• List of Articles سنی

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis and critique the approach of new Mu'atzelians towards sectarian conflicts and differences in Islamic culture with emphasis on the thoughts of Mohammad Arkoun, Nusrahamd Abu Zayed, Abdul Aziz al-Duri and Mohammad Abed al-Jaberi
        Seyyed Mohammad Ali  Nouri علی آقانوری
        In the Muslim world, the unity between Shi'a and Sunni plays an essential role and it has particular importance. But without recognizing the factors of conflict between Shi'a and Sunni, cannot getting to a lasting unity. Therefore, it must scientifically recognize the i More
        In the Muslim world, the unity between Shi'a and Sunni plays an essential role and it has particular importance. But without recognizing the factors of conflict between Shi'a and Sunni, cannot getting to a lasting unity. Therefore, it must scientifically recognize the ideological, historical and political origins of the differences between Shiite and Sunni. The main subject of this paper is to analyze and critique the differences between Shi'a and Sunni in the New Motazalian. The main question of this study is what is analyzed and criticize of differences between Shiite and Sunni in point of new Mu'tazilites? Regarding the researches have done that by new Motazalians about the differences between Shiite and Sunni, the purpose of this study is to understand and study the factors of difference between Shiite and Sunni in terms of these scholars, which we will finally criticize their ideas. The method of this research is Analytical-Descriptive. The present study aims at criticizing and analyzing the factors and roots of Shiite and Sunni differences from the new Motazalian perspective. The new view of the Mu'tazilites, like any other thinker, has the strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we will criticize these views. In this research, we at first studied the division of Shi'a and Sunni differences and then studied new views of the Mu'atzelians about the roots of Shiite and Sunni differences, and then we discuss the factors of difference between Shi'a and Sunni, and then analyze the factors we will discuss them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Survey of Child Marriage in the Country with Emphasis on East Azarbaijan Province
        Kamal Koohi
        Child marriage is one of the major challenges in the family institution and in society. Child marriage has been widespread throughout the history of societies depend on time and place. But its increase in society, especially for reasons such as poverty and the widesprea More
        Child marriage is one of the major challenges in the family institution and in society. Child marriage has been widespread throughout the history of societies depend on time and place. But its increase in society, especially for reasons such as poverty and the widespread age difference is considered a threat to the institution of the family and society. In this article, child marriages across the country are reviewed based on valid statistical yearbooks. The results of statistical analysis show that the trend of child marriage has been increasing since 2011 until 2019 and Khorasan-e-Razavi, East Azarbaijan, Sistan and Baluchestan and Khuzestan provinces are among the provinces with the highest rates of child marriage. Yazd and Semnan provinces have the least statistics. East Azarbaijan province ranks second in early marriage and child marriage as well as in divorce in the age group of 10 to 14 years. Within the provinces, child marriage is more common in the cities of Malekan, Bostanabad, Sarab and Charoimagh and the highest divorce rate was observed in early marriages in Varzaghan, Malekan, Sarab, Khodafarin, Kaleibar and Hashtrood. Therefore, for preventing, adjustment and controlling of unintended and unwanted child marriage in the community and proper management of families with child marriage, it seems that education and promotion of life skills and communication of child marriage families, education and awareness of different groups of people about child marriage outcomes, Social, Legal and Economic Prevention of child marriage based on economic poverty, creation of a database and observation of issues and problems of child marriage, employing religious leaders and community Imams in changing the stereotypes , Creating a legal obligation to deliver courses Life and marital harassment, banning abnormal age at marriage and marrying under 14, and forming medical, psychological, social, and cultural committees to guide families on the path to successful marriage are the ways in which the abnormal child-marriage rate can be decreased, Controlled and modified. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Human resources Strategic planning focused on the age composition of the workforce based on dynamic balanced scorecard.
        میثم  جعفری سيد يوسف  اوليائي مطلق
        Growing older is affecting on the size and composition of the workforce that has an important role in economic growth .the Countries with low or declining fertility rates, facing with a very little or maybe decrease in labor supply. Reduce in the number of employees ma More
        Growing older is affecting on the size and composition of the workforce that has an important role in economic growth .the Countries with low or declining fertility rates, facing with a very little or maybe decrease in labor supply. Reduce in the number of employees may have negative effects on economic growth and public welfare at the macro level. In the institutes' level, this object features itself in the different area such as increasing insurance costs, absence from a workplace, increasing wage costs and also at growing disjoins rate and losing knowledge. In this paper, we first survey the workforce composition trends in Iran. Then with surveying impacts of this object in Institute's performance with using logic of balanced scorecard model and drew the dynamic relation between structures and surveying the impacts of this changes and expresses a strategic overview at organization's human resources focused on composition of the workforce. Manuscript profile