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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyses of Definitions of Parody
        محمدرضا  صدريان
        ‘Naqizeh’ (parody) in Old Persian literature was both in serious and humorous forms, and it was not confined to poetry, but has been used in prose, as well. The closest term in English to ‘Naqizeh’ is parody. Parody has different forms; however, such diversity is not su More
        ‘Naqizeh’ (parody) in Old Persian literature was both in serious and humorous forms, and it was not confined to poetry, but has been used in prose, as well. The closest term in English to ‘Naqizeh’ is parody. Parody has different forms; however, such diversity is not suggestive of lacking a thorough agreement on the genre. Based on Bakhtin’s theory of Dialogue, and Genette’s and Barthes’s views, the present article provides a definition of parody in English literature covering most cases. Accordingly, parody can be defined as a deliberate imitation or transformation of a socio-cultural product (including literary and non-literary texts, and discourse in its Bakhtinian broad sense) so that it will recreate its original subject in a playful, not necessarily ironic way. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - From Meaningful Structure to the Structure of Quatrain (Ruba’i) (Sociological approach to the Relationship Between Worldview of Rudaki’s Age and the Structure of Quatrain)
        Ahmad خاتمي منا  علي‌‌مددي  
        Quatrain is a form that first enjoyed wide currency among Iranian poets , then it found its way to Arab poetry; however, though it is believed by some, like Shams Qys Razi, that Rudaki first developed quatrain, due to lack of adequate documentation, there is no agreeme More
        Quatrain is a form that first enjoyed wide currency among Iranian poets , then it found its way to Arab poetry; however, though it is believed by some, like Shams Qys Razi, that Rudaki first developed quatrain, due to lack of adequate documentation, there is no agreement on who was its inventor. Some believe that quatrain can be traced to the pre-Islamic form of poetry known as Khusrovani, others relate it to Sufis. In this paper, the authors believe that such arguments will never lead to a defensible result. So the issue needs to be viewed from another perspective. To do so, using Lucien Goldman’s theory of Genetic Structuralism, according to which there is a homologous relationship between the inherent structure of literary works and the key structures of the social context of the author, they have tried to show how quatrain is the reflection of rationalistic worldview of the rationalist poets of the Khurasani school of poetry rather than the evolution of Iranians pre-Islamic poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Studying the Binary Oppositions in the Structure of Sanaie's Hadiqa
        محمد امير  عبيدي‌نيا علي  دلائي ميلان
        'Binary oppositions' is considered as one of the basic concepts of structural and post-structural critique, and theories of linguistics and semiotics. It is rooted in mythological and cultural beliefs of the humans. Binary oppositions can be found throughout Hadiqa. At More
        'Binary oppositions' is considered as one of the basic concepts of structural and post-structural critique, and theories of linguistics and semiotics. It is rooted in mythological and cultural beliefs of the humans. Binary oppositions can be found throughout Hadiqa. At the level of its surface structure, the phrases, headings, the relations between lines and their arrangements show binary oppositions. At its deep structure, there can be found such oppositions among the successively expressed contents. At the surface structure of its narratives, the characters are of binary oppositions. Their deep structure also centers on this concept. The present article first studies and analyzes the term 'binary oppositions' concerning with different theories, and then classifies the origins of the binary oppositions in both the surface and deep structures of Hadiqa, especially considering its characterization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Study and Comparison of Interrelationship between World View and Figures of Speech in Sohrab Sepehri and Mohammadreza Shafiee Kadkani's poems.
        دکتر ساره  تربیت Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolai
        If we study and peruse works about literary criticism, we can distinguish two main perspectives: according to first perspective, belles-lettres, only reflect what is in their author's mind and text is a product of external determinant factors. Second perspective, contra More
        If we study and peruse works about literary criticism, we can distinguish two main perspectives: according to first perspective, belles-lettres, only reflect what is in their author's mind and text is a product of external determinant factors. Second perspective, contrary to first perspective, focuses on belles-lettres and regards literature as a language-game. Nevertheless there are some literati who do not believe in separation between words (text) and theme (content). Albert Cammo and Lousian Goldman in the west, Saeb Tabrizi and Dr Shafiee Kadkani in Persian literature are among this group. This group declaims that there is no separation between language and thought. This article tries to compare and study interrelationship between figures of speech (as one verbal elements of text) and world view (as subjective content) in Sohrab Sepehri and Mohammadreza Shafiee Kadkani's poems by use of Lousian Goldman's genetic structuralism theory. the main objective of this paper is that shown the interaction between language and meaning in the poem if this two Contemporary poet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - تحلیل ساختار پيرنگ در منظومه بيژن و منيژه بر اساس نظريه تودوروف
        مريم  برزگر