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        1 - A model for change governance structures for implementation theocracy based velayat-e faqih
        The Iranian people, led by Imam Khomeini revolted for the establishment of Islamic rule. Today the world's ‎dominant discourse is democracy and for this purpose, the nature of the government of Iran became Islamic Republic that ‎democracy is form and Islamic is terms o More
        The Iranian people, led by Imam Khomeini revolted for the establishment of Islamic rule. Today the world's ‎dominant discourse is democracy and for this purpose, the nature of the government of Iran became Islamic Republic that ‎democracy is form and Islamic is terms of content of government. Due to the lack of experience of Islamic countries in ‎democratic, western systems of governance was accepted to implement democracy. For Islamization of the government, it ‎placed the Supreme Leader at the head and the Guardian Council supervisory of parliament. Now, after nearly four decades ‎is essential to be revised in the governance structures. If there is a fault in the system should be desgined a system based on ‎religious approch and according to the conditions implement that in the absence of Imam Islamic roles should be ‎implemented. ‎ The study based on religious principles, characteristics of Islamic government and conditions of our country a ‎model for implementing religious government is designed. Content analysis method is used to obtain principle that should ‎be considered in the design of governance structures. For finding religious (Islamic) government a questionnaire among 30 ‎people who were selected snowball was distributed and analyesd with AHP method. For the realization of these features ‎according to religious principles and features of Iranian people, a system was designed that accordind to the idea of ten of ‎experts was revised. ‎ Keywords: neighborhood management, theocracy, theocracy structure, urban managementthe supreme leader.‎ Manuscript profile