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        1 - Qualified Leader for Utopia (In respect with Molla Sadra's Selfknowledge(
        مهدی ایمانی مقدم
        Existance of a governer is a rational necessity and virtue and justice is it's most important characterisity in a society with Islamic identity. Holy Quran gradated headship from topmost God's headship to downward prophet's headship and then Imam's headship and in Imam' More
        Existance of a governer is a rational necessity and virtue and justice is it's most important characterisity in a society with Islamic identity. Holy Quran gradated headship from topmost God's headship to downward prophet's headship and then Imam's headship and in Imam's expenation Faqih's headship introduced as their complete reason for people. The question is what is the fact of headship with graded flow that begins from the real God's headship and ends to believer's headship? To answer this Question should be recognized God's successor that have divine aspect and mundane, and this makes importat understanding the deep human's existance layer. Since human being's creation with beginning of thought and wisdom, philosophers remarked the selfknowledge's issue and philosoper Mollasadra structured selfknowledge realm with his firm transcendent wisdom foundations like his other solicitude and innovation and based on revelation and intuition introduced characteristics of qualified leadership oneslef. Society by his approach is a set of human being oneselfs and is a position for human being's oneself's evolution and there is correspondence between educative and political society priorities; He also constructed transcendent wisdom principals like originality and gradation in existance and between symmetry good and existance to explain the fact of oneself and fact of society, and according to that known as maturity of society in following of excellence to construct utopia that "wisdom Theologian" gave sprit and exhilaration to that society like heart and strongly stand against moral vices to influence society's framework. Thus qualification the leadership of utopia is it's leader based on human being's evolution. This paper is result of research and studying in different Mollasadra's work and deduction of his thought in his social and political works Manuscript profile