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        1 - Ragheb Esfahani's educational views in the book of Qayyim (Zariah Eli Makarem al-Sharia - an inductive educational study)
        Omid  Mustafa Abdullah Aziz  Javanpour Heravi Mohammad Ali Rabbipour
        The knowledge of ethics among Muslims has faced different approaches, which has led to the emergence of different ethical and educational systems such as rational, mystical, transferable and integrated approaches. The integrated ethics approach has tried to use the priv More
        The knowledge of ethics among Muslims has faced different approaches, which has led to the emergence of different ethical and educational systems such as rational, mystical, transferable and integrated approaches. The integrated ethics approach has tried to use the privileged capacities of the philosophical, mystical and narrative school and have a combined view of the science of ethics, one of whose leaders is Ragheb Esfahani. He has created a good link between the philosophical and religious approach in his valuable book al-Dhari'a al-Makaram al-Sharia. What can be understood from the discussion in the present research is that Ragheb emphasizes rationalism and considers reason to be the leader of sensual virtues and views reason as the head of a chain of moral virtues. The characteristic of Ragheb's discussions is the combination of philosophical and moral discussions with the verses of traditions and the religion of Islam. Ragheb Esfahani's moral theory should be considered among Platonic-Aristotelian virtue theories in terms of its overall structure. Nevertheless, its moral educational views have a completely Quranic content and are so embellished with Islamic verses and traditions that its philosophical flavor is less palpable. Ragheb's important initiative in the discussion of moral and educational virtues, which was taken from the Holy Quran, was to add the virtues of success, guidance, growth, affirmation and confirmation to the philosophical moral virtues. Despite Ragheb Esfahani's original and wonderful works and despite the deep works he left behind, he remains unknown and the reason for this is the deep influence of Ghazali on Ragheb's moral issues. Manuscript profile