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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A LOOK at the manifestations of “disintegration”as one of the post-modern components in the novel “Mummy ” (MOOMIYAYEY)
        razie fani Ali Taslimi Mahmoud  Ranjbar
        This study examines “disintegration” as one of the types of tricks and arrangements that are manifested in short storied and postmodernists novels. “Mummy ” (MOOMIYAYEY)is one of Mojabi’spostmodern works that has a special place in terms of language, expression, str More
        This study examines “disintegration” as one of the types of tricks and arrangements that are manifested in short storied and postmodernists novels. “Mummy ” (MOOMIYAYEY)is one of Mojabi’spostmodern works that has a special place in terms of language, expression, structure and images. In this research relying on Derrida’s views and with a descriptive-analytical approach to analyzing the structure and qualitative content of “Mummy” (MOOMIYAYEY) and reflecting tricks the rupture is addressed in it in order to reveal further the unique dynamics and specific style of mojabi. The result of the research shows that Mojabi, in the role of a master artist, has broken the normal construction of words and created a seemingly disjointed, plural and at the same time artistic structure. By using various techniques of disintegration, he has created new, but not far-fetched, meaning ؛in such a way that the reader has the opportunity to participate in determining these meanings. The use of complex and confusing language, the arrangement of words without logical and content communication in dreamy and deconstructive formats are a featurehighlights of this effect. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Breaking the foundation in Shams Tabrizi articles
        mahmoud Khoramabadi AliَََAkbar AfrasiabPour Ali Fatolahi
        This article deals with the analysis of the elements that break the foundation from the point of view of Derrida and the analysis of these elements in the articles of Shams and tries to reconstruct the pluralism of meaning in damaging the metaphysical ideas presented in More
        This article deals with the analysis of the elements that break the foundation from the point of view of Derrida and the analysis of these elements in the articles of Shams and tries to reconstruct the pluralism of meaning in damaging the metaphysical ideas presented in Western philosophy and reach new meanings from the text. Shams Tabrizi's articles have the capacity to achieve countless signs and symbols for multiple meanings with consecutive semantic suspensions. The authors of this article, with descriptive-analytical method based on Derrida's foundation-breaking approach, examine some of these concepts such as the negation of the definition of the unit of truth, the death of the author, the semiotics of post-structuralism, the dominant ideology of the text through the negation of contrasts, values, etc. have done. In Shams's articles, in the field of negation of the definition of the single truth, the truth is not considered an absolute and single thing, but it is placed in the field of interpretive debates and everyone has their own interpretation of it. Contrary to the views of Platonic logos, Shams introduces wisdom and rationalism as completely incomplete in the path of truth and sees it as a veil for the seeker. He does not contrast writing and speech or presence and absence, but beyond these two, he generally considers speech and presence as a veil. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Deconstruction of Moderate Borrowing Policies in Contemporary Iranian Educational Reforms
        Ali Vahdati Daneshmand shahin iravani
        Since the modernization of the Iranian school, the main question for reformers to deal with was how to interact and borrow from western education. Social reformers and educational activists have responded to this question and adopted a policy confronting it. The purpose More
        Since the modernization of the Iranian school, the main question for reformers to deal with was how to interact and borrow from western education. Social reformers and educational activists have responded to this question and adopted a policy confronting it. The purpose of this article is to critically examine three moderate policies, namely: 1) Appropriation in the views of Mirza Malkum Khan and Mirza Yusuf Mustashar al-Dawla, 2) Selection in the views of Abdul Rahim Talibov, and 3) Instrumentalism in the efforts of Mohammad Ali Mojtahedi and Reza Roozbeh applying Derridean Deconstruction. Deconstruction shows that each of these policies has blind spots that have led to results contrary to the original intentions of their defenders. Appropriation, with its strong emphasis on commonalities, ignores the differences between the two systems of education. Selection has been inattentive to the gradual change of educational patterns by separating from their original context and the emergence of new interpretations. Instrumentalism with its focus on achieving the expected educational results has created an elitist system that ignores the unpredicted educational results and others marginalized by this consequentialism. Manuscript profile