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        1 - Causal model explaining the challenges of achieving the University's research in specialized Universities Case studies: Allameh Tabataba'i University
        mosavi tayebeh drnemati drnemati
        The purpose of this study model challenges, obstacles and constraints in the implementation of research at Universities specialized in the research, Allameh Tabataba'i University, the largest university in the humanities specialist, has been studied. The study populatio More
        The purpose of this study model challenges, obstacles and constraints in the implementation of research at Universities specialized in the research, Allameh Tabataba'i University, the largest university in the humanities specialist, has been studied. The study population consisted of members Lmy‌ above, and managers and experts Tabataba'i University, which included 413 and 124 people. In this study, initially through extensive theoretical study and previous research at national and international, related resources aimed at Allameh Tabataba'i University and on the pattern Vlkvayn (1999), Challenges, obstacles to the realization of University Scholarships at Allameh Tabataba'i University in six areas: a) academic culture, b) structural Mdyryty- c) scientific and professional, d) financial credit, e) rights and legal) IT has been identified on the basis model of causal research is explained. Then, based on the identified challenges and the integration of the questionnaire in this regard, Mhqq‌Sakhth research questionnaire has been developed. Then, face and content validity of the instrument, through interviews with 12 experts in the field and determine the validity of this instrument, and acknowledged the challenges identified in the implementation of research at the University of Allameh Tabatabba'I University and model Ali about it, through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling carried out. It should be noted that the above reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, equal to 95/0 calculated. The results showed that all the identified challenges posed by the respondents approved Mdyryty- structural challenges than other challenges, from their perspective, has been a higher priority. Furthermore, the results suggest that differences in points of view in the two groups of respondents in relation to the challenges identified, segregated schools and organizational position, has been observed. Manuscript profile