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        1 - Modeling the roale of coordination centers of science and industry in the development of university-industry relations using a system dynamics approach
        ali shahabi davood feiz
        Various actions are performed to enhance university-industry cooperation in Iran. Although efforts have been instrumental in the development of university-industry collaboration, but the country's growing need to meet the advanced technology and the commercialization of More
        Various actions are performed to enhance university-industry cooperation in Iran. Although efforts have been instrumental in the development of university-industry collaboration, but the country's growing need to meet the advanced technology and the commercialization of scientific breakthroughs, hence the development of new modes of university-industry cooperation is more necessary. Therefore, using an attributive survey reviewing the role of these centers in establishing effective communication between the university and industry, and also using a system dynamics modeling approach as well as drawing Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs), variables affecting the coordination centers of science and industry in the development of the relationship between the two institutions is identified. Finally, a conceptual model is presented showing the variables and dynamics design. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Institutional Research, a new approach to the development of university-industry relations
        mosavi tayebeh mahboobe khosravi drnemati drnemati
        University and industry development in any society are two fundamental pillars of cooperation between the two is a prerequisite for success and accelerate the development process. Study and compare the relationship between university and industry in different countries, More
        University and industry development in any society are two fundamental pillars of cooperation between the two is a prerequisite for success and accelerate the development process. Study and compare the relationship between university and industry in different countries, the course of action, the mechanisms employed and the results of this relationship to obtain a suitable model for the relationship between universities and industry is of great importance. Although patterns of university-industry links or greatly influenced by national factors and internal factors university to be established in different ways and each of the countries tested, but usually the focus of new research found that the university can be considered and used. The missing link between industry and university are parks and incubators and institutional research offices. This offices with emphasis on the role of external accountability to link the stronger and stronger this relationship help. The study aimed to explore the institutional research and university-industry has been done using the library and documentary studies have attempted to gather information. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The effective factors in the establishment of university – industry relation
        narges hoseyni
        To take steps for strengthening the interaction between university – industry, it is necessary to identify the key factors in establishing this relationship by planner and policy _ makers of industry and higher education sectors. This study was done by Survey_ descripti More
        To take steps for strengthening the interaction between university – industry, it is necessary to identify the key factors in establishing this relationship by planner and policy _ makers of industry and higher education sectors. This study was done by Survey_ descriptive research methods. In this study, for early classification of effactive factors in establishing university – industry is considered research literature .Statistical population of this study was 624 faculty members from Azarbaijan Shahid Madani university and Tabriz university that 150 person was selected by Cochran sampling formula. For data collection we used 36 questions researcher made questionnaire. Then, identified the effective factors in the establishment of university – industry relation by exploratory factor analysis. Results showed that structure and sub structure, planning, rules and legislation, academic disciplines and projects, and government support are the effective factors for cooperation in university – industry relationship. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Ranking of Iran’s universities and Industries based on the co-publication indicator in Persian journals of Islamic world Science Citation (ISC)
        Mansoureh Serati Shirazi
        Research collaboration between university and industry is so significant in knowledge flow from university to industry as well as makes it practical. One of the main channels for this purpose is university- industry co- publication.  The aim of the research is to inves More
        Research collaboration between university and industry is so significant in knowledge flow from university to industry as well as makes it practical. One of the main channels for this purpose is university- industry co- publication.  The aim of the research is to investigate the university and industry collaboration based on the co-publication indicator in the Persian documents which are indexed in the Iran Science Citation Index (SCI) in 1994 and also to identify universities and industries that collaborate in these publications and finally to map the structure of co- publication network on the political map of Iran. In order to calculate the collaboration, the “total count” method of co-authored is applied and collaboration network is mapped by Excel and Ucinet and Pajek soft wares in the GPS environment.   The results shows that in 1394, 270 co- publication articles were indexed in the SCI database by 94 universities and 150 industry unites. Adjusting geographical distribution of co-publications of university and industry on Iran’s political map revealed that 30 provinces involved in collaboration. Among them Tehran province  has the most collaboration with others and Khoozestan and Esfahan provinces are in next ranks respectively. The results show that the number of co-publication of university and industry, is so low and is limited to the specified universities and industries. Because of the importance of  co-publication as a tool to commercialize university knowledge and improving targets of knowledge- based economy, the research policies  should be adopting in the way that increase the publication of university and industry.   Manuscript profile
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        5 - std
        reza mahidi masoud shafiee
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        6 - Sustainability factors and capacities of university-industry relations In higher education system
        rouhollah bagheri mirmohammad seyyed abbas zadeh Mohammad hasani
        The aim of this study was identification of Sustainability factors and capacities of university-industry relations in higher education system. The research method was descriptive survey. the research community, was including faculty members five universities country and More
        The aim of this study was identification of Sustainability factors and capacities of university-industry relations in higher education system. The research method was descriptive survey. the research community, was including faculty members five universities country and industry representatives. Research sample, was selected in faculty members with random stratified of Morgan table 263 people and sample in industry representatives with randomly 12 people. Analysis procedures was multivariate regression, Manova and t with using the software SPSS. The research tools included two questionnaires sustainability factors Lee and capacities capacities of university-industry relations Ssebuwufu. According to the analysis Confirmatory validity and its reliability by Cronbach's alpha was appropriate. The results showed that sustainability factors, reasons and motivation and benefit in the university sector was positive and significant. But industry representatives, the sustainability benefits announced lower than optimal. Existing capacities has been a positive and significant relationship between university and industry. All components of capacities university-industry relations has been a positive and significant effect on Sustainability. All components of capacity, has predicted  the reasons and motivations and benefit. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Patents in biotechnology and its importance in university-industry relations
        mahdi seyyedi
        This paper explores several characteristics of patents in the biotechnology field, comparing and contrasting them to patents in other fields of research. We find that biotechnology patents face a longer lag between application and grant date, and their secrecy would be More
        This paper explores several characteristics of patents in the biotechnology field, comparing and contrasting them to patents in other fields of research. We find that biotechnology patents face a longer lag between application and grant date, and their secrecy would be heavily affected if legislation were to permit publication 18 months after application. They are highly concentrated geographically, as well as in industrial origin, and are used most heavily in the health sector, but have a wider spread in use than in origin. They use many more (and much more recent) references than the average patent, with a special weight on academic or scientific literature, foreign patents, and a tight circle of research fields. While they are not cited frequently on average, their use as germplasm is rising. Future research should focus on the questions that have been uncovered Manuscript profile
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        8 - developing a model to analyze the level of university – industry cooperation with used Interpretive Structural modeling
        aliakbar aminbidokhti drnemati drnemati alimohammad rezaei ahmad mohammadi
        ABSTRACT Cooperation between university and industry is not a new topic. Although there are some tested and used models for characterizing and analyzing this cooperation, these models have proven to be inefficient and unsuccessful in some countries. Therefore in this st More
        ABSTRACT Cooperation between university and industry is not a new topic. Although there are some tested and used models for characterizing and analyzing this cooperation, these models have proven to be inefficient and unsuccessful in some countries. Therefore in this study we developed a model to analyze the level of university – industry cooperation in Iran. Furthermore we identified and ranked the barriers hampering and blocking this cooperation. In order to do so we used Interpretive Structural modeling (ISM) and Friedman test. Since ISM is based on the views of scholars we asked 33 experts both from university and industry to provide their views and comments about the present condition of university – industry cooperation. Using research findings we ranked barriers that hamper university – industry cooperation respectively as: 1- lack of trust between industry sector and academia; 2- lack of demand – centered research and dissertations; and 3-motivational issues.   Manuscript profile
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        9 - Study of Environment Effect on Establishment & Development of the University Incubators (New Approach on Entrepreneurship University and Relation between Industry & University)
        shadi shahverdiyani
        Business transformation and essential formation of science and technology centers with entrepreneurship universities, caused to reengineer mission of government and science centers and the establishment and development of science parks become the priority of the develop More
        Business transformation and essential formation of science and technology centers with entrepreneurship universities, caused to reengineer mission of government and science centers and the establishment and development of science parks become the priority of the development of science and technology planning. So that incubators and science parks can cause development of universities and make them in touch with society and the other hand to appear Entrepreneurship University. This paper is the result of field study based on SWOT analysis. The data have collected from establishers and developers of incubators in public and private universities straights, weakness, opportunities and treatments points identified and the more important effects of establishment and development of incubators on success of universities to achieve Entrepreneurship University, ranked. The conclusions of study, confirmed the necessary examples for introducing a set of straights, weakness, opportunities and treatments points. Furthermore based on this study, the most important effects of establish incubators are: creating occupation, entrepreneurship, promotion education quality, making universities to compete, commercialize research activities, develop innovation and creating of students and efficient relation between university and industry. Manuscript profile
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        10 - دانشگاه و صنعت ایران در فرایند گذر در عصر دانش و نوآوری
        jafar bagherinejad
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        11 - Experience of university cooperation with industry in the USA
        Mostafa  Amini
        University-industry cooperation is a global challenge and countries have tried to solve this challenge in various ways. Therefore, the study of global experiences can guide the country in choosing the right path of university cooperation with industry. The United States More
        University-industry cooperation is a global challenge and countries have tried to solve this challenge in various ways. Therefore, the study of global experiences can guide the country in choosing the right path of university cooperation with industry. The United States is one of the countries that has tried to solve this challenge by advancing strategies and improving the university-industry relationship. Important steps by the United States to increase cooperation between academia and industry include the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act, the Technology Transfer Act, the allocation of tax exemptions for research and development at the university, the reduction of the federal budget and the establishment of intermediaries for its allocation and unlimited royalties. It is an invention. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Reviewing and evaluating the resolutions of the 21st National Congress in the direction of tripartite cooperation between the government, academia and industry
        mohammadreza salehi masoud shafiee
        The National Congress of Government, University and Industry for National Development in recent years, with the cooperation of elites and experts from scientific, research and industrial centers, has been able to continuously provide useful solutions over time. Suggesti More
        The National Congress of Government, University and Industry for National Development in recent years, with the cooperation of elites and experts from scientific, research and industrial centers, has been able to continuously provide useful solutions over time. Suggestions such as: "Creating an integrated industrial information and scientific system in the country's industry for access to timely information of industry and academia, creating and equipping laboratories Specialized national in order to provide optimal services to universities and industry, formulate a national research strategy and set priorities and improve the country's research management, modify and review the programs and educational chapters of universities, in accordance with modern technologies , Cooperation of government and executive organizations, universities and research institutes and industry to draw and formulate the national innovation system of the country, expansion of communication and scientific, technical and research cooperation with competent international institutions with systematic focus on efficient domestic forces and review Development of technology, homogeneous networking of industrial and research units, creation of software and brain infrastructure of government, university and industry communication in all provincial centers, using the experiences of other countries and university centers in the relationship between industry and university, especially Industrial and developed countries, setting up industry and business clinics in the provinces in cooperation with universities and industries to "One of the models of university-industry cooperation, strengthening the role of private sector institutions in the cycle of science and industry and research and technology activities", and many other things that could undoubtedly and can continue to be in the relationship between industry and academia Be path-breaking Manuscript profile
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        13 - Necessity and methods of developing interaction and cooperation between university and industry
        mohammad saeid seif saeid jahanjiri
        Cooperation between the industrial sector and universities is undoubtedly one of the areas that is discussed in all countries and can have a decisive impact on the economy and industry of that country. Therefore, establishing a coherent and organized relationship betwee More
        Cooperation between the industrial sector and universities is undoubtedly one of the areas that is discussed in all countries and can have a decisive impact on the economy and industry of that country. Therefore, establishing a coherent and organized relationship between industries and universities is one of the basic needs of countries. This connection helps universities to align their educational and research activities with the needs of society and industry, and to develop specialists and researchers who can truly meet the needs of industry. In recent years, the cooperation between academia and industry in some areas has brought important achievements to the country, but there are still very important measures that can be taken to increase synergy and cooperation between universities and industrial units.Fortunately, in this regard, the country's universities and research institutes have started appropriate measures and have defined and implemented useful programs and models to develop community and industry relations contracts, improve internships, graduate employment, help solve national challenges and similar cases. The pathology of the relationship between academia and industry and the sharing of successful experiences of higher education institutions and executive bodies are very important in strengthening this relationship. For this purpose, in this article, a summary of the situation of the country's universities and research institutes is presented and new programs that can be effective in improving the situation are described. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The norms of entrepreneurial science
        henry Eikoeitz Firouzeh Asbaghi Khanghah
        Universities are undergoing a second revelution these days, in corporating economic and social development as part of their mission. The first academic revolution made research an academic function in addition to teaching. Now the emerging entrepreneurial university int More
        Universities are undergoing a second revelution these days, in corporating economic and social development as part of their mission. The first academic revolution made research an academic function in addition to teaching. Now the emerging entrepreneurial university integrates economic development as an additional function. The capitalization of knowledge takes many different forms that are discussed in this article. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Rooting of Loose Engagement of Iranian Universities with Industry from the Higher Education Informants
        reza mahdi masoud shafiee
        If universities functioned in a stable environment, the demands for leadership would be modest. Mission, vision, programs, strategies, and policies could simply be put on automatic pilot. Automatic pilots don’t work for universities. Environment is in continual context, More
        If universities functioned in a stable environment, the demands for leadership would be modest. Mission, vision, programs, strategies, and policies could simply be put on automatic pilot. Automatic pilots don’t work for universities. Environment is in continual context, and the results and consequences of these changes for the future of universities are profound. Sound, creative and empowering leadership is indispensable, and it spells the difference between productive, sustainable universities and those that are in continual crisis and failing. One need only reflect on the change that has come about in university over the last century. The very mission and scale of universities have been transformed. Universities are altering the ways and means of teaching and learning. New directions and methods in research and service to society are evolving. The costs-benefits of the academic enterprise are in continual fluctuation and open to challenge. The roles of faculty are different, as are campus cultures. The very definition of precisely who is served and touched by universities is in transition. Leading change is clearly the most difficult and taxing challenge faced by university managers and leaders. Occupying a position of leadership and exercising the role of manager and leader are entirely different.Too many positions of leadership are filled by those who occupy the chair and carry the title but fail to lead universities in ways that enable them to adapt to a demanding environment, optimize their mission, align with values, and produce a lasting contribution to society. It does not speak to the position of leadership, to title, or to mere survival skills; rather it speaks to the creative act, the behavior, the hard work, and the skill and competency of leadership and management Manuscript profile
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        16 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of National Measures Taken in the Field of University-Industry Cooperation; Identify, Prioritize and Provide Solutions for Excellence
        Seyed Maseood  Ghoreishi mehdi majidpour babak negahdari morteza mousakhani
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous nat More
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous national measures have been taken in cooperation with the university and industry, which need to be evaluated. Two main goals are pursued; One is to discover the extent to which the goals and functions of the actions taken in the field of university-industry relations have been achieved, and the other is to provide executive solutions to improve the current path and move towards the excellence of university-industry cooperation. In this research, using methods such as library studies, interviews with experts and the focus group, first the measures taken in the field of cooperation between the university and the statistics industry and then by surveying experts, the effectiveness of each measure in terms of each criterion and The rate of fulfillment of each criterion was calculated in terms of measures taken and analyzed using statistical mean method. It can be said that none of the measures that have been taken so far in the field of industry-university relationship have had the desired efficiency and also the efficiency criteria have not been met to an acceptable level in most of the executive measures. At the end, several proposals were presented, including the establishment of the executive headquarters of university-industry cooperation and the privatization of offices related to industry and university entrepreneurship Manuscript profile