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        1 - A Model of Talent Search for Faculty Members in Comprehensive Universities with Regional Performance Level based on Human Resources Development Strategies (A Case Study: Lorestan University)
        unes romiani Khodayar abili javad porkarimi saeid frahbakhsh
        Talent management is one of approaches that could assure the universities that competent and talented individuals could receive appropriate job positions and focuses on the significance of managing people and situations at different organizational levels. The current re More
        Talent management is one of approaches that could assure the universities that competent and talented individuals could receive appropriate job positions and focuses on the significance of managing people and situations at different organizational levels. The current research was conducted with the aim of designing a model of talent search for academic staff members in comprehensive universities with regional performance level based on the principles of human resources development. The research method of this study was applied in terms of purpose and exploratory in terms of data collection. In the qualitative phase, the statistical population consisted of academic and executive experts, 19 of whom were purposefully selected and interviewed in a semi-structured manner. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included all the academic staff members of Lorestan University, (n=307) and 110 individuals were selected as a sample using stratified random sampling. The tool of data collection in the qualitative part was semi-structured interviews and in the quantitative part two researcher-made questionnaires used for the purpose of accreditation and validation of the exploratory model. The results showed that the educational component (scientific mastery, effective teaching, learning), the research component (application of knowledge, research ability, scientific writing and publication, analysis), and the consulting component (consulting business environments, consulting students and advice to the community) constitute the main dimensions of the model, in addition, the results of the t-test in the validation section of the model indicated that all components have sufficient validity to be included in the final model. Furthermore, the findings of the research revealed that all observable and immediate variables had a factor load higher than 0.70 on their current variable; therefore, it was significant at the 0.01 level. Manuscript profile