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        1 - A New Algorithm for Fastintra-Frame Modes Selection in H.264/Avc Video Coding
        Mahnaz Nejadali mahdi jafari majid mohammadi
        By the increasing of video communication in portable and functional devices, encoders design with low complexity and high performance are required. H.264 / AVC standard offers higher compression efficiency than previous standards. But this standard by employing several More
        By the increasing of video communication in portable and functional devices, encoders design with low complexity and high performance are required. H.264 / AVC standard offers higher compression efficiency than previous standards. But this standard by employing several powerful coding techniques, considerably increased complexity at the encoder. This paper presents a new algorithm to reduce the complexity of the H.264/AVC encoder. The proposed method uses simple directional masks, neighboring blocks modes and detection of 4×4 and/or 16×16 intra estimation modes with determination of quantization parameters for fast mode selection in Intra-Frame Modes prediction. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces maximum 29% of the encoding time, while has little effect on visual quality and PSNR. Manuscript profile