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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Structural Survey of Kin Combat in the Poems of ‘Rostam-o-Sohrab’, ’Borzu Nameh’, ’Jahangir Nameh’
        Ahmad Khatami علی  جهانشاهی افشار
        Despite the existence of numerous works and hero-epics in Persian literature, it is noteworthy that they all have similar structures and consist of limited elements. Of course this is not a new subject. The structuralists like Levi Strauss, Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, a More
        Despite the existence of numerous works and hero-epics in Persian literature, it is noteworthy that they all have similar structures and consist of limited elements. Of course this is not a new subject. The structuralists like Levi Strauss, Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, and Frazer, have already discussed it. The present article studies ‘kin combat’ in the poems of: ‘Rostam and Sohrab’,’Borzunameh’,’Jahangirnameh’, based on a structural approach. According to findings of the research, the common fixed elements of these works are as follows: accidental visit of the hero to a foreign land, his accidental meeting with a daughter in a foreign land , his marriage abroad, hero’s leaving his wife, giving her a token , birth of an extraordinary baby, child’s departure to his father’s land, assistance of the father’s enemies’ to him, deception, defeating father’s vanguard army by child, father being called by the king to fight the child, asking each other’s names, triple combats, child introducing himself to father. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - scope persons and social moral function of the womb
        Zahra Sadeghi Zohreh  Nikfarjam Fariba  Pahlevani Abbas  Samavati
        "mercy" of relatives. In other words, it is to have love and behavior with relatives and friends Kinship is a term that represents a kind of social relationship. A relationship that has arisen as a result of the interaction of a spouse, parents and children or siblings. More
        "mercy" of relatives. In other words, it is to have love and behavior with relatives and friends Kinship is a term that represents a kind of social relationship. A relationship that has arisen as a result of the interaction of a spouse, parents and children or siblings.According to verse 6 of Surah Al-Ahzab and 75 of Surah Anfal, it can be understood that there is a hierarchy among relatives.In other words, closer relatives take precedence and are more important in inheritance and uterine reconciliation, and take precedence over reconciliation.In other words, closer relatives take precedence and are more important in inheritance and uterine reconciliation, and take precedence over reconciliation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Sociology of Family on the Holy Quran
        سمانه  جهانی
        The Sociology of Family is a Discipline that its subject is surveying the following topics: Institutions of family, kinship and marriage, its date of formation, and the influence Influence of family on other social institutions. In this paper, Values and moral princi More
        The Sociology of Family is a Discipline that its subject is surveying the following topics: Institutions of family, kinship and marriage, its date of formation, and the influence Influence of family on other social institutions. In this paper, Values and moral principles of the sociology of science are described from the perspective of the Holy Quran.The results suggest that Main topics of sociology of family, is expressed in detail in the Holy Quran. As a result, Family from the perspective of the Holy Quran is moral, Spiritual and social Institution that has a special position in society and leaves Significant impact on the Other components of the social system and is Influenced by them Mutually. Manuscript profile