• List of Articles خمسه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The study of the Poetry world of Nizami by Jakobsen's Theory of Communication
        Zeynab Nowruzi
        Jakobsen’s theory of communication is based on three major as well as three secondary principles, totally six ones, including sender, receiver, message, context, code and channel respectively. This model could analyze poetry in terms of its rhetorical aspects, grammar, More
        Jakobsen’s theory of communication is based on three major as well as three secondary principles, totally six ones, including sender, receiver, message, context, code and channel respectively. This model could analyze poetry in terms of its rhetorical aspects, grammar, semantic and some other aspects as well. In this research, Nizami’s poems, which are worthy especially in terms of rhetoric science, is going to be examined based on Jacobson’s theory. Furthermore, it is focused on the poet’s high concerns about rhetoric principles and his vision about the relation of a poet with his/her addressees. Accordingly, in this fashion it possibly will be known that how an influential poet had looked at his/her own skill and its impact on the readers. Without considering the form and meaning of a poem as well as their functions in the interpretation of a text, this target issue could not be achieved. Since the presence of the addressee as well as the speaker’s attention to the addressee is observable in the Quinary of Nizami, an individual could make an inference that there is a mutual communication between them, that is, the addressee could make an effect on the poet as well. Finally, the six communication principles of Jakobson’s model are mentioned in the second part, while they have special literary and artistic functions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Jurisprudential Study of Cucumber and Goodwill in Khamseh Religions and Its Relation to Business Ethics
        Abdollah Narooyi Javad panjepoor Siamak Baharlooyi Ahmad Abedini
        The Islamic Shari'a is known for its perfection because it has raised religious and secular issues in its prominent laws. Although the Shari'ah is based on belief and worship, this does not mean that they are worldly affairs and that a large part of Islamic jurisprudenc More
        The Islamic Shari'a is known for its perfection because it has raised religious and secular issues in its prominent laws. Although the Shari'ah is based on belief and worship, this does not mean that they are worldly affairs and that a large part of Islamic jurisprudence constitutes financial transactions. Most people's disagreements over trade are about the highs and lows of the term, especially when it is combined with ignorance or deception, and the jurists interpret it as "groaning". On the one hand, the present article examines the realization of the subject of the Qur'an, including the background, legitimacy, circumstances, instances and cases of fall of the cucumber in the Khamseh religions, and on the other hand, reviews the reasons and forms of its realization in the transaction and its religious status. Paid. Often cucumber is a legitimate cabbage, but cabbage causes a cucumber that has some proof requirements, one of which is gross cabbage. However, not with change or one of the successors in the position of stress. There are some cases of cucumber but cucumbers do not prove to be stable, such as in cases of cucumber fall. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Survey on some manifestations of moderateness and violence in Nizami Ganjavi’s Khamsa
        saeed karimi qare baba
        Persian old literature has always proclaimed kindness and moderateness and has avoided violence, dispute and vengeance. Therefore, Iran society and history has passed through different and stressful paths. Literature represents a vague and blurred image of uncontrolled More
        Persian old literature has always proclaimed kindness and moderateness and has avoided violence, dispute and vengeance. Therefore, Iran society and history has passed through different and stressful paths. Literature represents a vague and blurred image of uncontrolled violence in its deep layers though disputes and war has woven with Iranian society warp and woof. Nizami Ganjavi is one of the Iranian poets and advocate of peace that love and friendship is felt in his poems. However, in the depth of his works, the traces of the mentality based on violence and lack of moderateness can be found unintentionally. For instance, war is one of the main content of Nizami poems and even the traces of violence can be seen in the realm of love. The lover Majnun tends to act violently for possessing of Leila, in Makhzanoal- Asrar(Treasure of Mysteries) two scholars with different scientific viewpoints debated so that they are ready to kill each other and finally, Alexander destructs the Zoroastrian temples violently and abolishes their religious rituals and put fire on their magnificent cities and transfers Iranians academic texts to Macedonia. On other hand, the manifestations of moderateness in Nizami verse are wonderful. Shirin invites Khosrow to moderation and hospitality of the people. Bahram prevents war with his compatriots with intelligent planning and the kings respond the protestors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - 1 The poet's mission in the literary theory of Hakim Nezami Ganjavi
        mehdi okhravi
        Hakim Nezami Ganjavi is one of the thinkers who has a specific style and idea for his artistic and poetic activities. And clearly expresses his beliefs and convictions in any field. In today's hustle and bustle of literary schools about the mission of poetry, the poet p More
        Hakim Nezami Ganjavi is one of the thinkers who has a specific style and idea for his artistic and poetic activities. And clearly expresses his beliefs and convictions in any field. In today's hustle and bustle of literary schools about the mission of poetry, the poet pays close attention to a literary perspective such as Nezami. And expresses the precise thoughts of a classical and ideological poet, as an intellectual and philosophical structure alongside the early and late literary schools, and shows the position of the content of the word and the mission of the orator in a particular period. Our task in this research is to extract and compile Hakim Ganjeh's view on the poet's mission, within the intellectual framework of Ganjavi and his temporal and spatial realm. Examining the direct and sometimes indirect allusions of the poet through his works throughout Khamseh and Divan, showed well that he has a great mission for the heavenly essence of poetry, which prevents the poet from absurdity, linguistic style and nonsense. . He considers the most important missions of the poet to be hope, happiness, religiosity, knowledge, honor of speech, spreading wisdom, cultivating religion and praising God, and explains the importance of each in his own style and manner. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Cosmology of Muhammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi
        Iraj  Nikseresht Rasool  Jafarian Abdullah  Farrahi
        In his search for the essence of being, following an aprioristic approach, Razi believed in the five-fold substances of Necessary Being (Creator), rational soul, hyle (matter), absolute time (perpetual duration), and absolute place (vacuum). When explaining the process More
        In his search for the essence of being, following an aprioristic approach, Razi believed in the five-fold substances of Necessary Being (Creator), rational soul, hyle (matter), absolute time (perpetual duration), and absolute place (vacuum). When explaining the process of creation through the four pre-eternal things alongside God, he justified the role of God’s Will in the process of creation by highlighting the role of the soul’s ignorance in its tendency for matter. He also demonstrated that the world was created at God’s will and not by nature. In his view, it is only Man who can liberate the soul from the pains and calamities of matter through the mediation of the intellect and lead it towards happiness and salvation. However, the difference is that the soul will not have any desire for matter. Razi believed in the possibility of corruption and change in bodies and, as a result, in the world of creation, even if the bodies are of an earthly or heavenly nature. He maintained that bodies consist of hyle and vacuum and emphasized that substances enjoy volume and are pre-eternal. Accordingly, he agreed that particles are infinite in number and composite in nature and disagreed with creation out of nothing. In his view, the qualities of four-fold elements and heavenly spheres, such as lightness and heaviness, brightness and darkness, and softness and hardness, depend on the mass and number of the vacuum-like components that penetrated the substances of hyle. At the same time, Razi acknowledged the centrality and immobility of the Earth and believed that heaven and, following it, the Sun, and other stars have a spinning motion through the balance of the components of the hyle and the vacuum within them. He considered the world to have been originated and agreed with the possibility of existence of other worlds. Finally, Razi explained vacuum and plenum in the mould of the concept of an infinite universal place which is independent of the world and also introduced beyond this place as space. Manuscript profile