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        1 - Examining the corresponding moral values on the observance of the rights of the victim and the criminal in Iran's criminal law
        Amir  Feizi Ghobad  Kazemi Masoud  Ghasemi
        Criminal procedure is the manifestation of human rights and its guarantor, criminal procedure regulations express the position of rights and their preservation and human dignity in that society. The law has value and credibility and reaches its lofty position when the r More
        Criminal procedure is the manifestation of human rights and its guarantor, criminal procedure regulations express the position of rights and their preservation and human dignity in that society. The law has value and credibility and reaches its lofty position when the rights and moral value of people, both the victim and the offender, are respected. Failure to provide guarantees for balancing the rights of the victim and the criminal leads to the violation of the rights of the parties and the disintegration of the judicial process and the weakening of moral values in the society. The balance between the rights of the victim and the criminal does not mean that the same rights and protections It is foreseen for each of the parties to be used for the other party as well, because depending on the case and the path of the criminal proceedings, each of the victims or criminals needs their own services and support. The proposed strategy of this article to get out of these conflicts is to establish common and specific rights and guarantees for each of them in order to identify the needs of each victim and the offender so that their concerns in the field of establishing justice and fairness are resolved. This research shows that Iran's legislator has determined to balance the rights and moral values of the victim and the criminal, but the legislator has not been able to meet the expectations of the victim and the criminal. Manuscript profile