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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Analysis of Fictional Elements in Tale of Joseph in the Holy Quran
        ابراهيم  سلامي
        In the Holy Quran the story life of several prophets is elaborated through a story. One of these stories speaks of Joseph's life. Joseph’s Sura has a hundred and eleven verses. The first three verses and also the last ten verses are non-fictional, while the other verses More
        In the Holy Quran the story life of several prophets is elaborated through a story. One of these stories speaks of Joseph's life. Joseph’s Sura has a hundred and eleven verses. The first three verses and also the last ten verses are non-fictional, while the other verses cover the entire story without any the non-fictional verses interrupting. Quran's purpose is not to tell a story, but this Sura possesses many of the common and known aspects of the fictional elements recognized in fiction. This article intends to study and survey the plenitude of the fictional elements in this story. The present article is both descriptive and analytic; through which it discusses and analyzes the fictional elements such as point of view, plot, structure, the idea (including theme and subject), conflict, character, characterization, dialogue, time and place setting as well as the atmosphere in a story. The story of Joseph is the only story in the Holy Quran which is atually told from the beginning to the end in one Sura. In this Sura, through utilizing the modern techniques of fiction, the religious culture, education, teaching, guidance and men's learning lessons are all introduced, in addition to indicating the lofty purposes of the Holy Quran in the form of a story. In this story the elements of fiction are structured in a way that the reader feels as if he himself is present in the story just like one of the characters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The duty of the people in front of the government from the perspective of Hazrat Yusuf and Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
        Bibi Saeideh Shamrizi seed hamid shamerizi Shahrbanou  Mahini
        One of the most important issues in the divine government is following a just ruler who is based on the Islamic Shari'ah. So the people are obliged to obey him and observe the laws that are announced for implementation after their approval. The same basis exists in the More
        One of the most important issues in the divine government is following a just ruler who is based on the Islamic Shari'ah. So the people are obliged to obey him and observe the laws that are announced for implementation after their approval. The same basis exists in the Holy Quran and especially in the rule of Hazrat Yusuf and the rule of Imam Ali (peace be upon her). According to verse 21 of Surah Al-Imran and many other verses of the Holy Quran, the result of disobeying the just ruler will be the limitation of a rebellious person's actions in this world and the punishment of the hereafter. One of the other important issues that is considered in this article is the duty of the people to the government for work and activities. In the life and rule of Hazrat Yusuf and especially Imam Ali peace be upon him, government officials and people were given special attention in performing their duties. With the responsibility that is given to Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him), due to the arrival of famine and readiness to deal with it, he puts himself and all the people of Egypt to work. During the reign of Imam Ali, peace be upon her, she also paid special attention to affairs and works, such as: The non-equality of the good and the bad, paying attention to merchants and controlling the market and prices, paying attention to the oppressed class and taking care of their affairs.It was emphasized not to make promises and to consider things big, not to break promises, not to hurry and not to be slow in some matters, etc. Manuscript profile