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        1 - The wrong impact on the person or personality in the crime on the soul
        Afshin Rahimi Pardanjani
        The murder of human life and the deprivation of human life is one of the most important crimes against individuals, and in all societies, it is accompanied by severe reaction and consideration of severe punishments for the killers. In the Islamic legal system, the punis More
        The murder of human life and the deprivation of human life is one of the most important crimes against individuals, and in all societies, it is accompanied by severe reaction and consideration of severe punishments for the killers. In the Islamic legal system, the punishment of murder is retribution if it is deliberate and justice, and this punishment is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as the source of society's life. Physical and crime against spiritual personality is divided. In the meantime, crimes against physical integrity (such as murder, amputation, multiplication, miscarriage) against crimes against spiritual personality (such as insult, defamation, Qaddaf, false publication, etc.) More important. Among the crimes against physical entirety, the crime of murder is, most importantly, because murder is the deprivation of life from living man. In this way, the crime of murder takes him the most valuable divine blessing to man, which is his body and soul. Therefore, in all the legal systems of the world, the crime of murder is of great importance, and especially for its deliberate type, heavy penalties such as imprisonment or life imprisonment are projected in criminal laws in different countries. We can kill the murder by "mistake in the victim" (wrong in the goal) or "mistake in the personality of the victim" (mistake in the identity). Manuscript profile