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        1 - معناشناسی مفهوم «احسان» در قرآن کریم با رویکرد ساختاری
        hosein shojaei محمد حسین اخوان طبسی
        احسان یکی از مفاهیم محوری در حیطه اخلاق فردی و اجتماعی بوده و در قرآن کریم نیز مورد توجه است. احسان مفهومی است دارای تنوع معنایی و گستردگی در مصادیق و همین امر ضرورت مطالعه‌ای معناشناختی برای تبیین ابعاد گوناگون کاربرد آن در قرآن کریم را نمایان می‌سازد. این پژوهش بر پای More
        احسان یکی از مفاهیم محوری در حیطه اخلاق فردی و اجتماعی بوده و در قرآن کریم نیز مورد توجه است. احسان مفهومی است دارای تنوع معنایی و گستردگی در مصادیق و همین امر ضرورت مطالعه‌ای معناشناختی برای تبیین ابعاد گوناگون کاربرد آن در قرآن کریم را نمایان می‌سازد. این پژوهش بر پایه روش معناشناسی ساختاری، همنشینان و جانشینان این مفهوم در قرآن را استخراج کرده و از این طریق، به یک دسته‌بندی از ابعاد گوناگون احسان در قرآن رسیده است. بر این اساس، در قرآن درباره مصادیق گوناگون احسان، پذیرندگان آن، شروط مقبولیت آن و آثار دنیوی، اخروی و الهی آن سخن به میان آمده است. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Character, performance and influence of Saad ebn ebadeh Khazareji worship on Saqifa stream
        Ramin Alizadeh Mahdi  Goljan mahdi ansari
        Sa'd ibn 'Abadah was a great companion of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and one of the first people from the people of Yathrib to believe in the Messenger of God (PBUH). He was the head of the Khazraj tribe and was one of the rulers and elders of Yathrib in the pre-Islami More
        Sa'd ibn 'Abadah was a great companion of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and one of the first people from the people of Yathrib to believe in the Messenger of God (PBUH). He was the head of the Khazraj tribe and was one of the rulers and elders of Yathrib in the pre-Islamic period as well as Islam. In Aqaba, he was the head of the Khazraj tribe and participated in most of the Prophet's campaigns as the flag bearer of the Ansar in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The present study aims to identify the important position of the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the events of the beginning of Islam and especially the events and happenings after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Therefore, it has analyzed the important and prominent role of this character as one of the elites of the society of the era in question and their impact on the course of affairs and events, and has examined his role in the incident of Saqifa Bani Saedeh. The story of Saqifa Bani Sa'deh is one of the strongholds of Islamic history, where the fate of Islam after the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was decided by choosing a successor. In the meantime, Sa'd ibn 'Abadah al-Khazraji played an important role in the formation of this trend. This study explains this event with a descriptive-analytical approach. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic of the semantic field of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths
        azam moazeni Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled w More
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled with statistical method – quantitatively and linguistic context in appropriate verses and traditions based on the concept of chastity with other concepts relevant to this term while using descriptive - analytic method in addition to establish the position of modesty in connection with the concepts of Qur'an and traditions ,has recognized certain words and related lexemes to morality It is widely stated with different functions. Collocations in two categories of mutual context and non-synonymous words reviewed and words rape, greed, lust, begging, signs of Islam and Shiism, zeal wisdom and the best worship was, and words restraint, refusal ,patience and retention in some ways they are some of the expressions used as substituents for chastity. But the word chastity preferable to substitute words in order to express the concept comprehensively and restrictively.. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Testamentary literature in the first two centuries of Hijri
        Tayebeh Ghasemi Mansour Dadash Nezhad Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
        After the popular election of the caliph, the efforts of Imam Ali(a.s.)to remind him to return to the commands of the Prophet(s.a.w.)did not bring any benefit,and Imam Ali(a.s.)succeeded to the caliphate after Uthman.During the caliphate period, he addressed this issue More
        After the popular election of the caliph, the efforts of Imam Ali(a.s.)to remind him to return to the commands of the Prophet(s.a.w.)did not bring any benefit,and Imam Ali(a.s.)succeeded to the caliphate after Uthman.During the caliphate period, he addressed this issue again in his appeals. The issue of inheritance after Imam Ali(a.s.)was still in the spotlight during the time of Hasnain(a.s.),and people were reminded that after the Ashura incident,during the time of Imam Sajjad(a.s.),the Zaidiyyah political and intellectual movement was formed in the atmosphere of taqiyyah of the Imam.And they accepted the imamate of Imam Ali (a.s.) from the hidden text and the Imamate of Hasnain (a.s.) from the open text. In the era of Imam Baqro, Imam Sadiq (a.s.), many efforts were made for the issue of inheritance. and with the selection of Ismail as Imam's successor,they set a new trend in Shia.After Sadiqin,peace be upon him,due to the importance of this issue and Shia's special interest in establishing its example, the belief in succession became widespread in Shia.The role of determination The guardian in the political and intellectual developments of Shia,this research was intended to take into account the question that How has the idea of guardianship traveled in the age of Imams(peace be upon them)and what feedback has it had in historical sources?By using historical and sectarian sources as well as narrative sources,to investigate the existence of guardianship in the era of Hazrat Ahl al-Bayt and the work of the Kurds and its implications.and how to spread it. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The effect of money substitution on income distribution in Iran
        Rahman Saadat esmaiel abounoori younes saeedi
        Rahman Saadat Ismail Abu Nouri Yunus saidi Abstract The issue of money substitution becomes more important in the country's economy every day and affects the country's economic policies. In this regard, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effec More
        Rahman Saadat Ismail Abu Nouri Yunus saidi Abstract The issue of money substitution becomes more important in the country's economy every day and affects the country's economic policies. In this regard, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of money substitution on income distribution in Iran's economy. For this purpose, data from the period 1358 to 1399 have been used for the economy of Iran. The results of the estimation of the model using the ordinary least squares method showed that money substitution had a positive effect on income inequality. According to the data, money substitution in Iran has an upward trend and reached 0.355262 in 2019. This shows that foreign currencies are more useful in the country and people use foreign currency in their portfolios, which has increased the class gap and income inequality. The country and the failure to estimate the needs of society in terms of economic well-being is one of the most obvious and important consequences for a country. On the other hand, the effect of this consequence on the important variables of this research is that the relationship between money substitution and the square of gross domestic product is positive and The relationship between the GDP itself and the Gini coefficient has been negative. Manuscript profile