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        1 - Investigating the factors affecting the mental image of citizens of worn-out tissue and ways to improve it (a case study of worn-out tissue around the Qom Grand Mosque)
        ashraf mandani
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to th More
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to their homes and lacks Severe service suffer. For this reason, due to the low quality of life in some parts of them, the housing of deprived and rural immigrants and some non-Iranians have become and finally have become unsafe places with many social anomalies at the lowest level of environmental quality. What has faced the problem of intervention, improvement and renovation of worn-out structures in our country is the lack of a clear strategy based on the identification of worn-out tissue species and the serious determination of urban management to renovate and improve them. In many areas, contextual improvement and micro-partnership with the people living in it, offers a very desirable and sustainable method that can be done over a short period of time. Qom city is one of the cities that is clearly facing the problem of erosion due to having about 1074 hectares of historical and dilapidated texture and the residential texture around Qom Grand Mosque, due to its special location and being located in the central and historical area of ​​Qom city and its erosion. He faces certain problems. The findings show that a survey of residents' satisfaction shows that 32% completely agree with the demolition and renovation of the building, 23% agree, 20% somewhat agree, and there are those who are interested in this area and intend to continue living in the area. 15% of the residents of the area agree with the repair and reconstruction of the area but oppose the demolition and renovation. 10% are also dissatisfied with any changes in the buildings and structures of the area. The Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A study of CDS experiences in Iran and the world
        amir aminzadeh
        In recent decades, several schools and paradigms have emerged in the field of urban literature, some of which have profound effects on urban spaces, including the "urban development strategy" (CDS) approach, which is one of the most important and controversial, and in s More
        In recent decades, several schools and paradigms have emerged in the field of urban literature, some of which have profound effects on urban spaces, including the "urban development strategy" (CDS) approach, which is one of the most important and controversial, and in several Recent years have also attracted the attention of many scientific-professional circles in Iran. Although the CDS dates back to the formal formation of the Coalition of Cities in 1999, it later published its official documents in the following years in partnership with the World Bank and the United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT). He is also the official tribune and executive trustee of CDS worldwide. Today, many managers, planners and urban theorists are trying to develop the question of how and by what mechanisms this approach is able to draw positive changes in the normal life of citizens and reduce urban poverty, based on the successful experiences of CDS. -Develop your role. An overview of CDS implementation in more than 250 Third World cities in less than a decade underscores the fact that the approach is more action-based than action-oriented. However, most cities in developing countries such as Iran experience difficult conditions, both in terms of preparation and referral, because the major approach to management and urban planning in Iran is influenced by the school of classical planning with a focus on design. It is comprehensive in which the dimensions of physical development, arrangement and physical order of cities often take precedence over the social-citizenship dimensions. Although comprehensive plans are developed in Iran with the aim of paving the way for the balanced physical growth of cities, in practice they not only impose a lot of energy and costs on the urban economy, but often most of their goals are never achieved. Manuscript profile