• List of Articles تهران

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Time and Space Changes of Air Pollutants Using GIS (Case Study: North Semnan Tehran
        mohsen ranjbar Batoul Bahak
        Tehran's metropolitan area is considered one of the most polluting cities in the world due to population concentration, indoor and suburban industries, vehicular traffic, high fossil fuel consumption, special geographical location, unique climate and topographic feature More
        Tehran's metropolitan area is considered one of the most polluting cities in the world due to population concentration, indoor and suburban industries, vehicular traffic, high fossil fuel consumption, special geographical location, unique climate and topographic features. Not be The main objective of this study was to investigate and analyze the temporal and spatial behavior of pollutants (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, troposphere ozone, suspended particles, and sulfur dioxide) in the northern part of Tehran. In order to investigate the changes of air pollutants in temporal and spatial scales, data from meteorological stations and pollutant stations were used by Air Quality Control Company and Tehran Environmental Organization during the years 1387- 1387. Data were calculated using SPSS and Excel software and the results of statistical analyzes of the distribution of pollutants in spatial and temporal scales using Arc GIS 9.3 software and the Inverse Distance Inverse Interpolation (IDW) function as maps Tables and charts are prepared and drawn up. Based on the results of the study, the concentration of three pollutants of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in the winter peak, but the concentration of suspended particles and ozone troposphere in summer is higher. All pollutants showed significant correlation with climatic elements. The correlation coefficient of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide with negative wind and positive pressure and surface temperature are positive. The correlation of ozone and particulate matter with the temperature and wind speed is positive and with negative pressure and humidity. Spatial distribution of centers with severe pollution is mainly due to the severity of pollution, mainly around the crisis headquarters, the Municipality of District 7, Sharif University and the Rocks Park, Aqdasiya and Puncak Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Infill development: capacities and necessities of growth management and spatial rearrangement of Tehran
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In thi More
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In this paper, we are going to study capacities and necessities of infill development of Tehran, by means of descriptive analytic and by use of documentary data. Findings indicate Tehran has the capacity of development and subsequently ready to growth management and special rearrangement via infill development. More than 18000 hectares of lands with infill development capacities that occupied 30% of city areas and 52% of vacant spaces and areas with developmental goals and high availability along with distribution and increment process, from east to west and north to south, makes possible not only physical growth management, but also facilitate spatial rearrangement to balance of inequality among regions and city zones by means of the policy of infill development and topical and local capacities. Redevelopment of north ,east and south areas, new development of west area and revitalization of central area, are general strategies of infill development in Tehran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Tehran-North freeway role on the development in rural settlements
        Nasr Allah Fallah tabar
        Research suggests that sustainable development covers different economic, social, tourist, physical and environmental components. One of the important elements in this relationship is physical changes and land use and creating transport and its impact on rural settle More
        Research suggests that sustainable development covers different economic, social, tourist, physical and environmental components. One of the important elements in this relationship is physical changes and land use and creating transport and its impact on rural settlements. So many parts of our country because of these changes have economic, social and environmental developments. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of creating freeway on the development of villages and path settlements and identifying and providing appropriate solutions in the following areas: Environmental, demographic, animal ecology, social structure, industry, service, meadows and forests, geology, agriculture, land, livestock, tourism, economic, traffic and transport structure and management by using AHP method. Research theory suggests that freeway has positive impact on passing rural settlements and creates environmental effects and changes to the area under the influence. The research method is descriptive - analytical and with functional goal and from field studies in the form of observation, interviews, questionnaires, providing photographs and videos have been used. It is concluded that there are many villages which were impasse in path, and were leading only through local way to other villages, districts, counties and cities, after construction of freeway and its evolution, they were connected to the main artery and moreover this flow has its remarkable developments in areas under the influence, it has least environmental damage. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Climatic damages of pedestrian bridges over Tehran Metro-police
        Gholamreza Barati محمود احمدی Faezeh Rahmati
        Pedestrian bridges are among the factors that contribute to the soft traffic on the streets and express-ways of big cities. The purpose of this study was the monitoring and review of damages in foot-bridges and their vulnerabilities for pedestrians over the throughput o More
        Pedestrian bridges are among the factors that contribute to the soft traffic on the streets and express-ways of big cities. The purpose of this study was the monitoring and review of damages in foot-bridges and their vulnerabilities for pedestrians over the throughput of Tehran as a vast city. It was determined 710 pedestrian bridges over Tehran metro-police based on google-earth images. When this area was divided equal units based a geographical grid, the frequency of bridges decreased to 62 ones as the frequency of selected bridges (SB). It means one SB from every unit. The information of SBs was gathered by designed and verified questionnaires through several field visits. We designed final patterns based on combine of SB information and the atmospheric data of weather stations including monthly temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity over Tehran and its suburb. The patterns revealed that the slipperiness of the bridge for the pedestrians, trunk oxidation, and bridge connection oxidation increase from the south to the north of Tehran. Similarly, relative humidity increases from the south to the northwest of Tehran. Meanwhile, damages to electricity wires and cables and damages to the floor asphalt, which are observed more in the center and northeast of Tehran, have been less consistent. The pattern of "synergy of all damages to Tehran pedestrian bridges" indicated that most of the damages have occurred in the urban districts 1, 2, and 4 of Tehran. All in all, the findings of this study and other related national and international research projects showed that pedestrian bridge structure is not congruent with the hot and dry climate in the south and the temperate and semi-arid one in the north of Tehran, but the underpass structure is more congruent, less costly, and socially and culturally more flexible. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The role of the physical structure of contemporary mosques in promoting social capital Case study: Vali-e-Asr Mosque in Tehran
        Ehsan Ghorbani Mahmoud  Teymouri
        Social capital is formed and built in the heart of social relations, the sacred institution of the mosque plays an effective role in cohesion and solidarity between people, which is effective in the formation of commitment and cooperation between the people present in t More
        Social capital is formed and built in the heart of social relations, the sacred institution of the mosque plays an effective role in cohesion and solidarity between people, which is effective in the formation of commitment and cooperation between the people present in the mosque. The present article aims to identify the effect of indicators of social capital promotion on the physical structure of contemporary mosques. Case study: Vali-Asr Mosque is on the agenda. This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of applied purpose and method. In this process, in accordance with the data required for the research, the library method and reference sources were used. The data collection tool was a general questionnaire among 375 people and the specialized questionnaire and Likert scale had five options. The first category includes specialists and city managers who are randomly selected by 50 people. The results obtained from the Demtel technique, such as the sense of belonging to the mosque, (15.17) commitment to voluntary organizations, (14.94) participation in religious affairs and celebrations, (14.58), the presence of collective spaces in the mosque, (14.58), are in the first to third places. And the factors that are positive indicate how effective they are. Among these, indicators such as the perception of common values, proper access to mosque facilities and facilities, the existence of collective spaces in the mosque, a sense of belonging to the mosque, the existence of leisure in the mosque, participation in religious affairs and celebrations are in the first place. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Socio-cultural impact assessment of establishing Marvdasht sports complex (Tehran municipal region7)
        Khalil  Mirzaei Marjan  Pakdaman Farzad  Abbasi neda Azimi
        The present study seeks to respond to Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood residents’ needs regarding sports facilities. Some of the most important goals of this project include impacts such as direct and indirect empowering and informing the residents on health issues, providi More
        The present study seeks to respond to Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood residents’ needs regarding sports facilities. Some of the most important goals of this project include impacts such as direct and indirect empowering and informing the residents on health issues, providing access to sports facilities, establishing public spaces and increasing social interactions in those spaces, increasing perceived safety and health for the residents of Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood due to the existence of a safe place for doing sports, improving residents’ physical health due to easier accessibility to sports facilities and equipment compared to the past, increasing the visits from other parts of the region to use the facilities and building new interaction, etc. The present study is descriptive in terms of process and applied in terms of the research objective. Documentary and field study were also used for data collection. However, it must be mentioned that the present study can also be categorized among assessment studies. The establishment of Marvdasht sports complex in Tehran municipal region 7 has both positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts include increasing social relations, social capital, safety for women, health, participation in sports activities, reducing addiction rate, change in the lifestyle, employment, creation of new jobs, revenue gain for the municipality, and reducing noise from teenagers and the youth, while negative impacts include environmental pollution, increased traffic, parking space shortage, and congestion and crowdedness in the neighborhood. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Explaining the moral atmosphere of academic activists with emphasis on Giddens' theory of construction
        Ehsan Rahmani khalili
        The moral atmosphere of the university in institutions and organizations originates from two important sources, which include the agents of organizations and organizational construction. Giddens believes that structures are created both by the hands of human actors and More
        The moral atmosphere of the university in institutions and organizations originates from two important sources, which include the agents of organizations and organizational construction. Giddens believes that structures are created both by the hands of human actors and are the means by which such action takes place. Structures are created by humans. But they also limit and make human action possible. In this article, with the theoretical approach of Giddens, the explanation of the attitude of students in creating an academic moral environment was discussed, and to what extent the evaluation of the structure of the university and academic agents in explaining the attitude of students to create Moral atmosphere is effective. The present research is of explanatory type and in terms of method, it is considered as a survey research. The statistical population of the present study includes students of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch in 2019. The data collection tool in this research is a researcher-made questionnaire which after examining its validity and reliability by combining cluster sampling and disproportionate classification and determining the sample size using Cochran's formula, was administered to 381 B.S, M.A and M.S students are implemented. Findings indicate that the variable of evaluation of the university structure directly affects the creation of ethical atmosphere and evaluation of academic actors indirectly affects the creation of academic ethical atmosphere among students through the evaluation of the structure of the university Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Ethical Misconduct with a Focus on Covert Violence Against Women in the Novel "The Terrible Tehran" by Moshfeq Kazemi
        Elham Ahmadi kobra nodehi arastoo mirani
        Women are among the vulnerable groups in society who have historically faced widespread violations of rights and extensive violence. An important issue in this context is the various perspectives and theories that organizations, institutions, real and legal personalitie More
        Women are among the vulnerable groups in society who have historically faced widespread violations of rights and extensive violence. An important issue in this context is the various perspectives and theories that organizations, institutions, real and legal personalities, and writers have each attempted to portray the nature of violence against women and combat it. Writers have typically used the format of social novels to describe the situation of women and the violence exerted upon them. This article explores Moshfeq Kazemi's "The Terrible Tehran," which is considered the first social novel in Iran. The main question of this paper is: "What are the main ethical misconducts focused on covert violence against women in 'The Terrible Tehran'?" The central hypothesis of the current article emphasizes that Moshfeq Kazemi depicts a frightening Tehran after the Constitutional Revolution and the early Pahlavi era, essentially mourning the plight of Iranian women and a patriarchal society through two major indicators: covert verbal and non-verbal violence. The findings of the article using a descriptive-analytical method and utilizing written and digital sources indicate that ethical misconduct against women in the novel "The Terrible Tehran" includes major indicators of covert verbal and non-verbal violence. Based on this, humiliation, slander, insult, threat, lying, taunting, and mockery fall under covert verbal violence, and ignoring women's personhood, supporting erroneous marriage customs, endorsement of polygamy, sexual violence, and hypocrisy are forms of covert non-verbal violence. Manuscript profile