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        1 - Providing physical solutions in order to strengthen social interactions (case example: North Shahid Beheshti St.)
        Vajihe Sehatpoor ramezanali naderi mayvan
        As an urban space, the street is one of the most important places where face-to-face encounters and the arena of social interactions of citizens are considered. The presence of vehicle traffic crisis and low physical quality has caused a severe lack of public space with More
        As an urban space, the street is one of the most important places where face-to-face encounters and the arena of social interactions of citizens are considered. The presence of vehicle traffic crisis and low physical quality has caused a severe lack of public space with the ability to accept social interactions. Enhancing public spaces is a means of dealing with this fragmentation and related concerns. It is possible to strengthen the feeling of togetherness by creating a variety of public spaces. On the other hand, the presence of untouched natural environments inside the cities is one of the important potentials of the city in creating a new urban public space and strengthening the civic life and social connections among the city residents. Therefore, organizing these spaces, while transforming them from a defenseless space into a safe urban space, provides a basis for being present in the space and strengthening communication and social interactions in cities and among residents, which leads to the establishment and strengthening of civil life in the city. The phenomenon of an urban defenseless space and the effect it has on the collective conscience can turn the healthy human-city relationship into a disconnected and sometimes hostile relationship with the environment. Because until a person does not feel calm in the environment and space and always lives in worry as a victim, he cannot display his capabilities and values and fulfill his social role in a desirable way. In this research, the aim of which is to promote social interactions in the North Shahid Beheshti axis (between Shahid Square and Charah Safa Square), a combined research method (analytical-descriptive) has been used. The results of the research show that increasing comfort and healing for the people present in the area, creating beautiful and appropriate flooring, creating a favorable permeability for the area can greatly help to increase social interactions in this area. Manuscript profile