• List of Articles تبعیض

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of Behavioral Duality and Social Discrimination of the Soviet Government in the Asylum Seek of the Democratic Sect in 1325
        ghader kiyani
        After the defeat of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan by the military forces of the Central Government on December 12, 1958, a number of military-political leaders and some ordinary members and supporters were forced to take the path of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaija More
        After the defeat of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan by the military forces of the Central Government on December 12, 1958, a number of military-political leaders and some ordinary members and supporters were forced to take the path of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. They faced great problems in terms of housing, food, clothing, and health. Of course, considering the economic, social and other conditions after the Second World War, these bad conditions seem natural and acceptable in terms of the lack of basic biological facilities. But in these circumstances, what was seen from the behavior of the communist government of the Soviet Union in practice was the dual and discriminatory treatment of the refugees of the democratic sect. The military and political leaders of the Democratic Party, along with a few others, had the facilities and privileges, but at the same time, as mentioned above, a very large number of simple refugees in addition to the smallest living facilities including food, housing, health, clothing. Etc. were deprived. Distance from family and relatives became an additional problem and they demanded to return to Iran. But party and military leaders were free of this problem. It should be noted that he was the only sincere leader of Muhammad who wanted to return home. The article seeks to answer the question of whether the Soviet treatment of refugees was discriminatory. The hypothesis of the article is that the slogan of socialist equality of the Soviet government in dealing with the refugees of the democratic sect was forgotten. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Equality in the opinions and opinions of the Guardian Council with emphasis on human dignity
        mehdi meftahi sayed mohammad sadegh Ahmadi ghodrat allah noroozi baghkmeh
        Today, dignity-based legal equality has found an irreplaceable role in modern human rights. Therefore, on the one hand, in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, several principles, including the ninth paragraph of the third principle and the nineteenth and t More
        Today, dignity-based legal equality has found an irreplaceable role in modern human rights. Therefore, on the one hand, in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, several principles, including the ninth paragraph of the third principle and the nineteenth and twentieth principles, deal with the principle of equality, and on the other hand, the Guardian Council as an institution to protect the constitution. According to the Sharia and the constitution, you must consider these principles and cite them. In this research, with a descriptive-analytical approach, an attempt is made to examine the status of equality from the perspective of human dignity in the views of the Guardian Council to determine to what extent the Guardian Council in its opinions and views has invoked this basic principle and authorized rights. In the second chapter, the constitution is guaranteed; Because human dignity is the foundation of legal equality and human beings have the status of equality and therefore are equal in rights. A study of the views of the Guardian Council from the beginning of the revolution until now shows that this council has invoked the principle of equality and non-discrimination in its views on several occasions; But the point to consider is that the council's view of the principle of equality is sometimes merely formal, and in essence equality and positive discrimination have been overlooked in some cases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Girls Lived experiences of the perception of issues and characteristics associated with Gender
        Parvaneh  Danesh maliheh abedi morteza ranjbar
        Perception and experience of gender as an established pattern can play a significant role in individuals' social and educational actions. This study focuses on exploring the lived experiences of female students from childhood. The research method employed is qualitative More
        Perception and experience of gender as an established pattern can play a significant role in individuals' social and educational actions. This study focuses on exploring the lived experiences of female students from childhood. The research method employed is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The sample consists of seventeen female students from Tehran. The sample size was determined based on theoretical saturation principle. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis. After gathering the data, the narratives of the students regarding their experiences of girlhood were coded and categorized. Three main themes emerged from the interviews, which further yielded nine sub-themes and twenty-three concepts during the analysis. The main themes include femininity traits, girlhood issues, and girlhood agency. The sub-themes encompass exclusive traits of girls, gender differences, being a good girl, gender discrimination, gender perspectives, gender stereotypes, changing attitudes, family role in issues, and girlhood strategies. Examining the lived experiences of girls reveals that although the examined samples reproduce some of the common emotional and behavioral characteristics associated with girlhood, the students' narratives indicate that they face limitations and deprivation in society due to their gender. Moreover, they feel a sense of injustice and discrimination in their social and daily lives. The students under study express dissatisfaction with the societal misconceptions about girls and demand more agency and empowerment for girls in society. Manuscript profile