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        1 - Pale environment modeling using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in cement and pedogenic carbonates (Case study: Saqqez river basin)
        Zahra HashemiDehaghi bahareh osanlou  
        have been used as an important tool in paleoenvironment indices reconstruction including temperature, effective precipitation and atmospheric carbonate gas concentration during carbonate formation and determining vegetation history and geomorphic processes. In view of t More
        have been used as an important tool in paleoenvironment indices reconstruction including temperature, effective precipitation and atmospheric carbonate gas concentration during carbonate formation and determining vegetation history and geomorphic processes. In view of this, 16 samples including eight samples of paleosols horizon pedogenic carbonate and eight samples of river conglomerate carbonate cements were collected to measure of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composites. The low values of δ18O showed that the air temperature during carbonates formation was 7.9 ˚C which was cooler ca. 5.5 ˚C compared to current air temperature. The δ13C value during formation of pedogenic carbonates and soil profile evolution showed that C4 vegetation is dominated that means the ecosystems with C4 dominate vegetation have growth period in warm season and considerable moisture stress. The correlation between δ18O and δ13C values was higher in pedogenic carbonates demonstrating precipitation water and CO2 in soil (vegetation reparation ratio) are main controlling factor of these values however, in cement carbonates as well as precipitation water and CO2, groundwater, organism and primary carbonates sources could be affected carbon isotope values. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Geochemistry and origin of orogenic gold in Qolqoleh area, Kurdistan: using fluid inclusion and stable isotope methods
         Taghipour  Makizadeh فرهاد  احمدنژاد
        The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, about 50 km south-west of Saqqez. The rocks in the vicinity of the Qolqoleh deposit consist predominantly of Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences of phyllite, meta-l More
        The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, about 50 km south-west of Saqqez. The rocks in the vicinity of the Qolqoleh deposit consist predominantly of Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences of phyllite, meta-limestone, cholorite- sericite schist, metavolcanic and granitic intrusive rocks that have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism. Geochemical studies indicate that gold mineralization occur in the sulfide-quartz veins. Based on the number of phases present at room temperature and their microthermometric behavior, three fluid inclusion types were recognized: type I mono phase aqueous inclusions, type II two-phase aqueous inclusions (aqueous + vapor), that based on Th could be subdivided into two groups: type IIa show salinities of 5–13 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 205 to 255 °C. Type IIb with salinities of 15–19 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 335 to 385 C. Type III three-phase shows carbonic–aqueous inclusions (aqueous–LCO2–VCO2) with salinities of 9–13 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 345–385 °C. Furthermore, the mean values of density of ore-forming fluids, pressure and depth of mineralization are 0.79-0.93 gr/cm3, 2 Kbar and 7 Km respectively. On the basis of these data, the Qolqoleh gold deposit is categorized in meso zonal orogenic gold deposit. The δ_0^18 values of the ore-forming fluids are in the range of 7.2‰ to 8‰ and the D values are from -35.27‰ to -40.23‰, which indicate a source of deep-originated metamorphic water that is partially mixed with shallow meteoric water. The change of tectonic regime from compressional to extensional in association with the continuously increasing geothermal gradient, results in remobilization of large amounts of metamorphic fluids. Mixing of ascending orogenic drive fluids with descending meteoric fluids led to deposition of gold by sulfide minerals. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Geochemical Studies of Stable Isotopes (Carbon and Oxygen) in Mahallat Travertine Deposits (South East Arak)
        لیلا  صالحی
        Fresh water carbonates are different in geochemical characteristics, especially in isotopic geochemical characteristics. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates such as travertine is one of the most important methods of study. Mahallat area with large traverti More
        Fresh water carbonates are different in geochemical characteristics, especially in isotopic geochemical characteristics. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates such as travertine is one of the most important methods of study. Mahallat area with large travertine deposits, is talented to geochemical studies. this area is located in the southeast of Arak and this is a part of central Iran structural zone. Based on stable isotope studies, there are two types of travertine: thermogene and meteogene types. Thermogene C-isotope composition range between -4 ‰ and 8 ‰. However, δ13C value for meteogene type range between -11 ‰ and 0 ‰. Mahallat area travertine C-isotope composition range between 1.69 ‰ and 9.70 ‰ which indicate thermogene type. In addition, Another way to distinguish the type of travertine, is determination of carbon dioxide source. Low values of 〖〖δ^13 C〗_( CO)〗_2 imply to thermogene type and 〖〖δ^13 C〗_( CO)〗_2 Mahallat area travertine show -8.47‰ and this confirm thermogene type for these deposits. Also, water temperature during the travertine precipitation can calculate by oxygen isotope study. The temperature in Abegarm travertine is 43°C which it is evidence for thermogene type. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Carbon and oxygen stable isotope study of the Majdar travertine deposits, southeast of Ardabil
        َAli Lotfi Bakhsh
        Freshwater carbonates differ from each other according to isotopic geochemical properties. The study of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes is one of the most important study tools for carbonates, including travertine deposits. In Majdar area, which is located in the west More
        Freshwater carbonates differ from each other according to isotopic geochemical properties. The study of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes is one of the most important study tools for carbonates, including travertine deposits. In Majdar area, which is located in the western Alborz-Azerbaijan tectonic zone, Quaternary travertine deposits are located in the Eocene porphyry andesite volcanic units. Based on mineralogical studies, travertines are mainly composed of aragonite. The mean values of δ13C and δ18O isotopes of travertines in the study area are + 6.47 and -8.77, respectively, which indicates the thermogenic origin of travertines. Also, the mean value of δ13C (CO2) is -2.73, which suggests an inorganic and endogenic origin for CO2. It is thought that CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids have provided the calcium bicarbonate ions needed to form travertine after circulation within the calcareous unit in the area and reacting with it. Then, these fluids ascended through the fault systems and deposited travertine on the surface. Manuscript profile