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        1 - Providing strategies for revitalizing stagnant mining and industrial companies based on types of industries
        Siamak zhaheri hamid  asayesh mahdi kamali Mahdi Zahedgharavi
        Stagnation of companies leads to tax, insurance and banking arrears, adjustment and unemployment of human resources, decrease in value and credit of the company, decrease in the value of the company's brand, intensification of partners' differences and legalization of c More
        Stagnation of companies leads to tax, insurance and banking arrears, adjustment and unemployment of human resources, decrease in value and credit of the company, decrease in the value of the company's brand, intensification of partners' differences and legalization of company's issues, acquisition of company's assets by non-specialists,... and finally, the added value of the sub-sectors will decrease and production and economic growth will decrease. In order to realize the economic slogans announced by the Supreme Leader (Madazla Al-Ali) during the last few years, the strategies for revitalizing stagnant mining and industrial companies (with many previous and previous connections) should be examined. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to formulate a strategy for revitalizing stagnant mining and industrial companies. Therefore, the current research is based on the purpose of a survey and descriptive relationship investigation. For this purpose, through the method of hierarchical analysis as well as the study of related documents, a conceptual model for the revival of stagnant mining and industrial companies from the group of mining, chemical, textile (clothing and cellulose), food and metal industries with the opinion of 400 experts and stakeholders of this group were defined and compiled. Based on the results of the research, using hierarchical analysis for each group of industries, strategies for revival such as debt reorganization, transfer of management, financing, identification of new markets, sale of surplus assets, etc. were identified and prioritized.. Manuscript profile