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        1 - Depicting Tunisia's socio-cultural atmosphere in the four novels (Aisha, Adel, Ali, Nasser) by Al-Bashir bin Salameh
        Shahin Nasiri mostafa yegani ardashir sadraldini
        The novel is one of the new literary genres that strengthened its position in Arabic literature in the early twentieth century, as an independent literary art. Depicts an era, the present study has tried to write a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explainin More
        The novel is one of the new literary genres that strengthened its position in Arabic literature in the early twentieth century, as an independent literary art. Depicts an era, the present study has tried to write a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explaining literary criticism on Ibn Salameh's four novels. The results of the research indicate that: Ibn Salameh in his novel using He uses the symbolic language to critique the political and social situation of Tunisian society, depicting the protagonist's mental crisis, the plight of intellectuals, and their internal conflicts. Also, Al-Bashir Ibn Salameh, by using the technique of description and its various methods and tools, in addition to succeeding in conveying the emotions and inner states of the characters of the novel to the reader, puts him well in the events of the novel and a very tangible image of the space. The novel has provided. Manuscript profile