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      • Open Access Article

        1 - levels of the epistemological authority of Hazrat Fatemeh (PBUH)
        Narges  Rudgar
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the levels of epistemological authority of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra. Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) due to her dignity of guardianship and infallibility, like a ladder that is connected to the Divine Throne, benehits the inhabitants of diffe More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the levels of epistemological authority of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra. Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) due to her dignity of guardianship and infallibility, like a ladder that is connected to the Divine Throne, benehits the inhabitants of different degrees of existence from her epistemological clarity according to their rank and rank. N. This benefit starts from the epistemological level and continues to the highest level, in a way that the special divine guardians and the Imams of the Infallibles (AS) also benefit from her knowledge. The present study, with this hypothesis, explores and analyzes the different levels of the epistemological authority of Hazrat Siddique Tahereh and by relying on verses and hadiths and citing historical manuscripts as well as Sunni and Shiite interpretations and analyzes of Islamologists. Both Shiites and Sunnis are trying to answer this question "what are the levels and levels of the epistemological authority of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (PBUH) in the Islamic world and how is this epistemological authority analyzed at different levels?" Accordingly, this authority has been classified and analyzed in three levels: 1. Muslim community 2. Shiite 3. Ahl al-Bayt (as), by qualitative research method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analytical Study of the Factors Affecting the Different Approach of Sunni Commentators in the Verses Concerning the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH)
        Yaghub  Fatollahi Rahmathollah abdollahzadeh Mohsen  Ghasempour Hamidreza fahimitabar
        In this article, the source of the behavior of Sunni commentators in the face of the verses of the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) is discussed analytically; Great Sunni commentators such as Fakhr al-Razi, Tabari, and Zamakhshari, have taken an equitable position toward More
        In this article, the source of the behavior of Sunni commentators in the face of the verses of the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) is discussed analytically; Great Sunni commentators such as Fakhr al-Razi, Tabari, and Zamakhshari, have taken an equitable position towards the verses of the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and have been content with historical documents, although they do not give a good epistemology of these verses. There are different approaches in interpreting the verses of the virtues, which are all due to religious beliefs, social conditions and differences towards Shiism. In addition, the social conditions and political rule of a sect have also contributed to this issue; The silence about some verses agreed upon by the Companions, the interpretation in contrast to famous opinion, neglect or distortion of sources, ideological factors and obligatory justification of the verses of virtues are the most important ways for these commentators to go through the interpretation of these verses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Analysis and Examination of Claim on Abolition of Mut’ah
        Seyed Hossein  Altaha Somayyeh  Nouri Mahdi Asadi
        Whether Nikah Mut'ah (temporary marriage) was abolished by revelation of a verse of Quran has been a source of conflicting Fatwas and extensive debates between Shia and Sunni jurists given the different foundations of jurisprudence in Shia and Sunni Islam. This research More
        Whether Nikah Mut'ah (temporary marriage) was abolished by revelation of a verse of Quran has been a source of conflicting Fatwas and extensive debates between Shia and Sunni jurists given the different foundations of jurisprudence in Shia and Sunni Islam. This research seeks to investigate and analyze Shia and Sunni scholars’ views in this regard. The conclusion of this research after analysis of the jurists’ reasons is that on the one hand, Sunni scholars refer to Quranic verses that either are not meant for Naskh (abrogation) or are for conveying a ruling. Accepting some interpretations of the verses would even entail insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as Sunnis have said that women who have married the Prophet (PBUH) via Nikah Mut'ah can neither be considered Zawjah (wife) nor Milk Yameen (slave). As for narrations, aside from their weak Isnaad (chain of transmission), they contradict Hadiths about Mut’ah being halal and continuing to be Mubah during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) and afterwards. Given the unanimous view of Sunni and Imamiyah scholars about the authenticity of the Hadthis, those that consider Nikah Mut’ah as being halal are preferred. Even if one does not take these two aspects into account, there would be yet another problem arising from the stark contradiction of these narrations, because accepting all of them requires accepting numerus rulings on Mut’ah. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Ruling Divorce: Quranic Principles and Reasons
        Seyyed MohammadKazem  Hoseini Faezeh  Moghtadaee
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of th More
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of the differences refer to the divorce of the Shari'a and the right of a woman to divorce in times of hardship. The famous word is used 38 times in the Holy Quran, 15 of which are related to family and marriage. In verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the famous word is repeated 12 times and emphasizes the importance of rulings such as' iddah, divorce, breastfeeding, etc., so that it does not exceed the shari'ah limits and is treated according to the famous (confirmation of sharia and custom). The legal provisions of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran are also taken from the verses related to divorce and include the well-known principles in women's rights and divorce and allow the rulers to issue a divorce decree if the conditions for this type of divorce are approved. Manuscript profile