• List of Articles ارتداد

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Feasibility of apostate punishment in Iranian criminal law With an emphasis on narrative and doctrinal teachings
        ahmad ramezani
        By approving Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator explicitly stated that in his view, there are other hududs than the hududs mentioned in the law, which must be referred to Article 167 of the Constitution in order to determine their punishment, and trie More
        By approving Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator explicitly stated that in his view, there are other hududs than the hududs mentioned in the law, which must be referred to Article 167 of the Constitution in order to determine their punishment, and tried to convert the principle of the legality of crimes and punishments into the religious principle of crimes and punishments. According to Article 225 of the proposed bill, it can be understood that the purpose of the hududs not mentioned in the law is apostasy. There is some disagreement in hudud or discretionary punishment, and there is evidence on its discretionary punishment that, by reinforcing discretionary punishment theory of apostasy, it cannot be resorted to Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code upon to punish it. according to Article 18 of the Islamic Penal Code and the three-fold emphasis on the word law in this article, it should be said that in discretionary punishment, the principle is on the legality of offenses and punishments, since apostasy has not been criminalized in Iranian criminal law, there is a serious problem with the possibility of punishing the apostate according to the strengthening of the discretionary punishment theory Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Superstition and heresy in the sect of "scholars" from the people of truth
        مهدی ایمانی مقدم
        The sect of sectarians is a sect of the Ahl al-Haqq (Yarsan) and one of the exaggerators attributed to Shiism, which, despite their claims, has deviated from the Shiite principles and religious precepts, as well as from the doctrinal and ritual necessities of Islam. Alt More
        The sect of sectarians is a sect of the Ahl al-Haqq (Yarsan) and one of the exaggerators attributed to Shiism, which, despite their claims, has deviated from the Shiite principles and religious precepts, as well as from the doctrinal and ritual necessities of Islam. Although there has been a tendency towards Sufism since the second century AH, the founder of the Ahl al-Haqq sect is Sultan Ishaq Barzanjeh, who introduced this religion as the essence of all religions and finally divided the sect into seven families of truth, followed by four families including The family of Shah Hayasi was added to them, who in the contemporary period of his pole was Noor Ali Elahi (1357-1276 AD) who, with changes in both the rituals and the method and beliefs of the Ahl al-Haqq, founded the "Maktabiyun" sect and in order to expose the beliefs " Do not say "Sir" and heresy in the innovations of Ahl al-Haqq was also objected to by some of the great Ahl al-Haqq. The many instructive conflicts of the school with the arguments and intellectual and narrative sources have made many of the teachings of this sect an example of superstition, heresy and even apostasy, including explicit claims to the religion of the new religion and its supremacy over the prophets and imams, belief in distortion. In the Qur'an, believing in Donadun (a kind of reincarnation) and referring the soul to the body of history, implicitly denying the infallibility of the prophets and substituting the poles for the Imams and the solution of God in them and in themselves and claiming the knowledge of the unseen and miracles and stating the legitimacy of all religions Existing and consequently debauchery in rituals and religious necessities; therefore, he can not be considered in the Muslim Jirga. The present research has been compiled in the works of Noor Ali Elahi and its intellectual and narrative critique and library method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Islam and the Western Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Apostasy, Freedom of Thought
        Mahdi Salehi Mohammad JafariHarandi Mohammad AsadiMehmandoost
        The Universal Declaration of Human Rights focused on determining the most important principles of human rights and freedoms, including freedom, equality and, etc. But despite its global nature, it has raised many challenges among the nations of the world, including Musl More
        The Universal Declaration of Human Rights focused on determining the most important principles of human rights and freedoms, including freedom, equality and, etc. But despite its global nature, it has raised many challenges among the nations of the world, including Muslim countries. This declaration ignores the main basis of human rights, which are emphasized in Islam, that is, the uniqueness of God, which is ignored and limited to human intellects in it, and the centrality of man in compiling this declaration is one of the main challenges that the new Western world has created for the Islamic world. The present study has been written with a critical and comparative expression, in a descriptive-analytical method with a library approach. The results of analytical arguments show that human rights from the perspective of Islam are part of the school of Islam, divine laws and faith of the heart that recognizes and binds on human rights. But the focus of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is on human reason and the denial of any ethnic, religious or cultural domination of man. Therefore, in religious thinking, human rights are more thoughtful and guarantee more implementation. There are many similarities and differences between the International Charter of Human Rights and the Declaration of Human Rights from the perspective of Islam. However, due to differences in the philosophical and ideological foundations of many of the basic principles of the two charters, these concepts cannot be absolutely accepted by Islam in the same way as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Semantic Study of Common Zandaqa in Quraysh in Pre-Islamic Era
        mihammadhadi tavakoli
        Some pre-Islamic sources refer to Zandaqa as one of the common religions in Quraysh tribe. This point has often been recorded in the works written during the second century (AH), during which the word Zandaqa was used in different meanings. Hence, it is an important que More
        Some pre-Islamic sources refer to Zandaqa as one of the common religions in Quraysh tribe. This point has often been recorded in the works written during the second century (AH), during which the word Zandaqa was used in different meanings. Hence, it is an important question for historians of pre-Islamic period in which sense this word was commonly used in Quraysh. According to Ibn Kalbī in Mathālib al-‘Arab, as the oldest report available in this regard, there are some points about the Quraysh’s Zandaqa that can contribute to an understanding of its meaning. First, based on this report, the rise of Zandaqa in Quraysh was due to Quraysh’s merchants encounter with the people of al-Ḥirah, where the Christians were introduced as teachers of Zandaqa. Second, the names of the Zandaqa of Quraysh are recorded in this report. Given these two points, one can conclude that the Zandaqa in Quraysh does not indicate the Quraysh’s advocacy of gnostic religions, such as Manichaeism, nor their belief in Mazdakism, nor their apostasy and interest in the Magi’s duality. Other pieces of evidence, rather, indicate that this word was used to denote their lack of belief in the Origin or the hereafter. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Research on the Denial of “Religious Ḍarūrī” and Its Implications in the Imāmiyyah School
        behnam abasi Hussein   Saberi Seyyed Mahmoud   Mirnourbakhsh
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptanc More
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptance of religion and does not cause the loss of faith in Allāh and the Prophet of Islām and does not lead to disbelief. If there is mutual incompatibility between one&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and his/her partial acceptance of religion (which is one of the clearest evidences of disbelief), he/she is considered to be an unbeliever; otherwise, he/she is not regarded so. Contemporary jurists do not believe in single-case causality for people&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and issuing decree on their apostasy whether in terms of religion or of a particular religious school; one who rejects Ḍarūrī of Shi&lsquo;ite school is considered a non-Shi&lsquo;ite Muslim, and the commands of Muslims are carried out upon him/her. The method of research in this article is descriptive-analytical.</p> Manuscript profile