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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis of urban vulnerability passive defense in regional Cities a case study in Gorgan
        Today, the comprehensive crisis management programs and projects Application of Passive Defense before, the intensity of the extent of the losses caused by such risks are significantly reduced. The measures to reduce the risk is to apply the principles of passive defens More
        Today, the comprehensive crisis management programs and projects Application of Passive Defense before, the intensity of the extent of the losses caused by such risks are significantly reduced. The measures to reduce the risk is to apply the principles of passive defense, as well as to apply these measures can be used to reduce risk to natural hazards and man-made helpful. However, due to our country's geographical and political situation is always at risk of natural hazards and man-made threats (war) has been and heavy human casualties and financial losses incurred. Therefore and considering the importance of research, the aim of this study was to assess the vulnerability of utility with passive defense approach in Gorgan is the purpose of descriptive - analytical and field studies and subsequent zoning and overlay data layers ( IndexOverlay) software is used GIS spatial analysis. In this study, using five criteria of access, population density, dispersion police stations 10+, building density and spatial distribution of critical facilities Gorgan and delineate them and finally made use of overlapping layers, It was found that the northwestern city of Gorgan to focus on vital installations such as electricity distribution companies Province, the national broadcast of petroleum products and the District of vulnerability is more in need of measures, planned in the framework of passive defense is . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating Effectiveness of Contemplating the Quran on Mental Health
        mahdi esmaeili Mahdi Esmaeili mohsen rafikhah Zahra Naghizadeh
        The Holy Quran, as the Everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the best guide for humankind and, according to verse 89 of Surah al-Nahl “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things…,” it is the clarification of all things and More
        The Holy Quran, as the Everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the best guide for humankind and, according to verse 89 of Surah al-Nahl “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things…,” it is the clarification of all things and referring to it can solve many problems and meet many needs. One of the problems humankind has always, especially in recent times, been facing and the advancement of science and research has helped little to resolve, is mental health problems. Recently, thinkers and researchers have asserted that religion and faith play a major role in the mental health of individuals and society. How the Quran, as a source of major religious beliefs, guarantee one’s mental health and prevent individuals and society from suffering from mental and psychological pressures and harms? This paper, using a qualitative, descriptive library research method seeks to clarify the effectiveness of contemplating the verses of the Quran on enhancing mental health. It concludes that by reflection on the verses of the Quran, especially on such content and concepts in the verses as faith, Hijab, marriage and turning away from worldly things, supplications and prayers, one can reach good results in both preventing and curing mental health problems. Manuscript profile