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        1 - Genealogy of Tafkik school in Ghazali attitude
        the fundamental issue that This study investigated is to explain the relationship between reason and revelation or reason and religion as the two sources of epistemology and ontological reference in two different intellectual school. One of these intellectual schools i More
        the fundamental issue that This study investigated is to explain the relationship between reason and revelation or reason and religion as the two sources of epistemology and ontological reference in two different intellectual school. One of these intellectual schools is the thought of Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali in the fifth century AD, and another one is the irrationalism approaches in Iran-Islamic thinking in the fifteenth century AD. This trend is well-known as Tafkik school. The aim of this study is to explain and analyze the never-ending conflict between intellectual knowledge and religious knowledge in these two schools by using comparative method to achieve proves for its assumptions. The findings reveal that, at first, verbal conflict along with theological approaches, historically, have not formed in the vacuum and in the world of abstraction, but also influenced by the intellectual and non-intellectual trends, political conflicts and sometimes even personal characters and... . Second, this thoughts and opinions was not restricted within the intellectual and theoretical field, and had desirable and undesirable effects, the consequences of these effects cause unfruitful conflicts, settlement or remove of this conflict are far from the obligation and ability of theologians and religious scholars. For example, in this paper we show that, perhaps, irrationality of Ghazali or reason out of followers of Tafkik school provided ground for the emergence of hard ritual that well-known as Salafism in Islamic history Manuscript profile