Understanding the initial trust of users in social networks
Subject Areas : GeneralMohsen Akbari 1 , zahedfar zahedfar 2 , zahra eiagh 3
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Abstract :
۲٬۱۰۸ / ۵٬۰۰۰ Social networks are one of the types of social media that have been so influential in the lives of internet users in recent years that the forms of social communication have also been influenced by these new media and in the future the role will be far greater. They will play more important. On the other hand, trust is one of the main factors of creating satisfaction and repeating the use of online services by users. Therefore, this research has used the possible expansion model to identify the factors affecting users' initial trust in social networks (Facebook) and states that users change their attitude through two central and lateral paths. Central indicators include information quality and service quality, and peripheral indicators include system quality, structural security, and reputation. Self-efficacy moderates the effects of central cues and peripheral cues on initial trust. The statistical population of this research is Iranian Facebook users. The data needed for the research was collected through the connection with the personal pages of people and public pages (related to groups, cities, activities, universities, etc.) active in this social network. For this purpose, the link of the online questionnaire designed on the docs.google.com website was provided to them. In this questionnaire, a 5-point Likert scale from completely disagree (1) to completely agree (5) was used, and at the end, 406 questionnaires were collected, according to the Jersey and Morgan table, to conduct research in the infinite society. It is desirable. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained by asking experts and university professors and its reliability was determined by calculating Cronbach's alpha and it shows the optimal level of reliability. Data were analyzed with SmartPLS2 statistical software. According to the results obtained, among the independent variables of this research, self-efficacy, reputation, and structural security have the greatest effect on initial trust with path coefficients of 0.47, 0.23, and 0.20, respectively, and system quality has the least effect on initial trust with It has a value of 0.07. Also, the results show that self-efficacy only moderates the effect of system quality on initial trust. Therefore, since self-efficacy, aside from the role of attitude adjustment, directly has the greatest effect on primary trust; Social network designers should pay special attention to this factor; So that it is easy to learn and the process of using it is clear and understandable for users.
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