The relationship between emotional intelligence and tendency to e-learning in the studied organizations: employees of banks in Alborz province
Subject Areas :Benam Ghorbani 1 , Seied Shahab Mosavi 2 , Hasanali Aziziha 3 , Shahram Hasheminia 4
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Abstract :
Today, we are witnessing the rapid movement of the world towards virtual space. Trade, treatment, education and many other activities that used to take a lot of time and money have brought many benefits to mankind today by being in the virtual space. Education, which is an inseparable part of human beings, has entered the society electronically, and people and organizations are gradually moving towards this type of education. In this research, the relationship between emotional intelligence and the trend towards e-learning in organizations has been discussed. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey research method. A questionnaire was used to collect information. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the first questionnaire is 0.76 and the second questionnaire is 0.83, which confirms the reliability of the questionnaires. Content validity was used to test the validity of the questions, and for this purpose, the opinions of experts, university professors and expert experts were used. The statistical population of this research is all the employees of banks in Alborz province, 80 people were selected as the sample size and the sampling was done randomly. To analyze the data, Sperryman's correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used, and finally all the hypotheses were proven, and two variables, self-motivation and self-awareness, were identified as predictive variables, criteria for entering the final regression equation, to explain the changes. degree of tendency
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