The Role of Private Universities in Country Development
Subject Areas :
vahid yazdanian
masoud shafiee
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Keywords: industry and universities relationship, non-profit universities, national development, privatization.,
Abstract :
: Development of communication industry and university on mutual basis, needs and capabilities, is carried out and models presented by the experts on this basis has been designed and implemented. Industry related to government and state universities has made an organic government impact in a way that the direction of industry and university development policies have been largely in accordance with the political requirements of the country over last century. Constitutional accomplishment of Article No. 44 and the growing trend in the privatization companies and government organizations follows this principle, certainly increased competition between these companies and organizations’ that are creating new fields of application for increasing competitive capacity and maintain standards of goods and services. Constitutional accomplishment of Article No. 44, public universities, due to initial state governing backgrounds, being strictly in accordance with the government rules, cannot make their principle contributions to increasing demand by society and industry sectors. Moreover, as the government role is decreased and faded out, lack of legal mechanisms of governance for development and university industry relationship, caused this relationship being shifted from Government command to personal command. A relationship which is requirement and background is unknown. In this article we intend to investigate mutual needs and capabilities from the industry and universities point of view to transition procedure from state institutions to non-governmental organizations
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