Two-way development of complex product, case study of West Karun power plant
Subject Areas : Generalzahra gomar 1 , mohsen hamedi 2 , reza bandarian 3
1 - مدیریت نوآوری، دانشگاه تهران
2 - Tehran University
3 - پژوهشگاه صنعت نفت
Keywords: Complex product development, ambiguity, learning, project,
Abstract :
Complex products widespread in all industries, are the infrastructure of the advanced countries. Several examples of the failure of well-known international companies in this area necessitate the need to review successful examples and to analyze and explain the reasons for their success. This need is becoming increasingly important in late-comer companies in the region due to the constraints faced by these companies, including the developing nature of the countries of interest and lack of access to the pioneer networks. The present research is a qualitative case study and aims to explain and analyze the successful development of a complex product in the power industry based on the ambidexterity model. The results show that the late-comer firm, following exogenous licensing of technology, has been able to realize advantages due to exploiting the economics of repetition and recombination by implementing a range of repetitive projects. Development and use of indigenous mechanisms such as development of modular products, deepening of knowledge by exploiting and compiling In-built knowledge to achieve the new technology base has been discussed. Through successful design, deliver and execution a Base Moving project in order to meet the monitored market needs, ambidexterity in complex technology sourcing is achieved. It is shown that the company has become ambidextrous in large scale complex integration (LCSI) projects as well.
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