Arrangement of Short-Term Employment Programs in the World
Subject Areas : Special
MohammadReza Fathi
Seyedeh Narges Hoseiniamin
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of business management at Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D. in Sociology, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Employment, Unemployment, United States of America, Germany, Russia, Iran,
Abstract :
The issue of employment as a social issue is global and many countries of the world are involved in this issue. This problem is constantly worsening not only in Iran but also in the world and is not necessarily related to specific periods such as the global crisis of the Corona pandemic. Unsettled employment situation and increase in unemployment rate in the society can bring social damages and make the society out of balance. Therefore, paying attention to this issue is of great importance. In this article the unemployment situation and the employment problem all over the world are mentioned first, and after reviewing the background of the research, the short-term measures implemented have been investigated by the United States of America, Germany and Russia, which have been selected as examples, to deal with unemployment. The method of collecting information in this research is Documentary research and based on the collection and translation of related texts. The research method is descriptive and considering the criterion of application, it is of Applied type. The results indicate that in Iran, short-term plans have been proposed in the field of employment, which have been mentioned but there has not been a deep and stable improvement in the country's employment situation
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