Explaining the Foundations of Metamodern Theory and Their Implications for Defining Curriculum Elements
Subject Areas :
mustafa Zabandan
Einollah Abedi
ghaderi mostafa
1 - Education
2 - Shahed University
3 - d
Keywords: Meta-modernism, Foundations, Curriculum, Education, Postmodern. ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research, in addition to presenting a metamodern curriculum, is to empower teachers to overcome the difficulties and negative side effects of modern and postmodern curricula. For this purpose, to answer the questions, a multi-method approach including the documentary method, the interpretive conceptual analysis, and the progressive type of practical syllogism are used. As the results, in addition to revealing the crises of the modern and postmodern curriculum, a model of the metamodern curriculum including the elements of curriculum is presented in such a way that through this curriculum, the community of teachers and students can consider the reflection of learning in thoughts and actions in social, cultural, and institutional contexts. By means of this model, distinct opportunities are provided for people with mental abilities as well as for people with learning disabilities. The result of this research is the presentation of three bases for developing a metamodern curriculum, which include: 1-Considering the modern and postmodern curriculum as effective historical experiences; 2- The metamodern curriculum as a care approach; 3-The metamodern curriculum as hope.
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