Determining the Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance of The Couple Flourishing Measure
Subject Areas :
Manouchehr Rezaee
Belal Izanloo
Naser Abbasi
Habibeh Bashirnezhad dastjerdi
1 - M.A. Family counseling, Faculty of Psychology and educational sciences, department of counseling, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
3 -
4 - M.A in Assessment and Measurement, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Assessment and Measurement, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: flourishing, couple relationship, validation, Item-Response theory, explor-atory graph analysis, invariance,
Abstract :
A lot of research has studied couple satisfaction, but little attention has been devoted to the nature and measurement of flourishing couple relationships. On the other hand, current scales that measure relationship quality are lacking in sensitivity at the upper end of the assessment continuum which hinders progress towards understanding couple flourishing and measuring it. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to translate and study the factorial structure adaptability of The Couple Flourishing Measure (CFM) among Iranian samples. The statistical population of the present study consisted of married teachers of Zanjan province in 2022 among them, 429 teachers were selected by convenience sampling method. The findings of the parallel analysis, MAP test and the exploratory graph analysis in this study indicated a single factor structure of the CFM. Moreover, the outputs of the bootstrap analysis to check the stability of the factor structure confirmed the unidimensionality of the CFM. Analyzes based on the Item-Response theory confirmed the fit of the items with the graded response model and the slope of the items indicated the discriminating power of all questions which shows that all items had information. Furthermore, the analysis based on the Item-Response theory proved that all three forms of the CFM, respectively from long form to short form, provide the highest amount of information which indicated the approp-riateness of short forms among the samples studied too. The fit indices, Alpha statistic, composite reliability and AVE index in all three forms of the CFM were proper both in the whole sample and by gender. The square root of AVE index in the whole sample was equal to .826 which indicated the establishment of discriminant validity on the construct level. The results related to the invariance of the factor structure based on gender in the long form in four models: configural, metric, scalar, and strict models showed that the invariance is maintain-ed in all models. The couple flourishing variable had significant relationships with other variables studied in this research which indicated the convergent and divergent validity of the CFM. The findings of the present study proved that the CFM has good reliability and validity and is compatible with the cultural norms of Iranian society.
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