A novel metaheuristic algorithm and its discrete form for influence maximizing in complex networks
Subject Areas : ICT
Vahideh Sahargahi
Vahid Majidnezhad
Saeed Taghavi Afshord
Bagher Jafari
1 - Student
2 - Assistant professor
3 -
4 - Academic staff
Keywords: IWOGSA, Invasive weed optimization algorithm, Gravitational search algorithm,
Abstract :
In light of the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem, which establishes the inherent limitations of meta-heuristic algorithms in universally efficient problem solving, the ongoing quest for enhanced diversity and efficiency prompts the introduction of novel algorithms each year. This research presents the IWOGSA meta-heuristic algorithm, a pioneering solution tailored for addressing continuous optimization challenges. IWOGSA ingeniously amalgamates principles from both the invasive weed optimization algorithm and the gravitational search algorithm, capitalizing on their synergies. The algorithm's key innovation lies in its dual-pronged sample generation strategy: a subset of samples follows a normal distribution, while others emulate the planetary motion-inspired velocities and accelerations from the gravitational search algorithm. Furthermore, a selective transfer of certain samples from distinct classes contributes to the evolution of succeeding generations. Expanding upon this foundation, a discrete variant of IWOGSA, termed DIWOGSA, emerges to tackle discrete optimization problems. The efficacy of DIWOGSA is demonstrated through its application to the intricate influence maximization problem. DIWOGSA distinguishes itself with an astute population initialization strategy and the integration of a local search operator to expedite convergence. Empirical validation encompasses a rigorous assessment of IWOGSA against established benchmark functions, composite functions, and real-world engineering structural design problems. Remarkably, the IWOGSA algorithm asserts its superiority, eclipsing both contemporary and traditional methods. This ascendancy is statistically affirmed through the utilization of the Friedman test rank, positioning IWOGSA as the premier choice. Also, DIWOGSA algorithm is evaluated by considering different networks for influence maximization problem, and it shows acceptable results in terms of influence and computational time in comparison to conventional algorithms.
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