Emerging technologies in future generations of high performance computing: introduction, taxonomy and future research directions
Subject Areas : ICT
mahmood nematollahzadeh
ehsan arianyan
Masoud Hayeri Khyavi
niloofar gholipoor
abdollah sepahvand
1 - ICT Research Institute
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4 - ICT Research Institute
5 - ICT Research Institute
Keywords: High performance computing, quantum computing, biological computing, neuromorphic computing, optical computing, nano computing, in-memory computing.,
Abstract :
Due to the rapid growth of science and technology, their need for high performance computing is increasing everyday. So far, the majority of the world's high performance computing needs have been based on conventional silicon-based technologies, but the end of the age of silicon-based technologies is near, and this fact has led scientists to use emerging technologies such as quantum computing, bio computing, optical computing and similar technologies. Although some of these technologies are not new and the initial introduction of some of them dates back to some decades ago, but due to the attractiveness of classical silicon-based computing and the speed of development in it, have been neglected to date. However, recently, these technologies have begun to be used to build scalable high performance computers. In this paper, we introduce these technologies and how they participate in the field of high performance computing, their current and future status, and their challenges. Also, the taxonomy related to each of these technologies from the computational point of view as well as their research topics are presented, which can be utilized for future research in this field.
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