Using Fuzzy Values in the Whale Method to Solve the Problem of Locating Terminal Locations
Subject Areas : Special
Mehdi Fazli
haasan hoseinzadeh
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Whale Algorithm, Location Problem, Fuzzy Values, meta-heuristic,
Abstract :
In this article, fuzzy values are used in the meta-heuristic method to locate the location of the terminal facility. This article is written based on a modern method inspired by nature called Whale Algorithm and it is tested on scientific optimization problems and modeling problems. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, fuzzy coefficients have been applied to solve the location allocation problem, in such a way that the hypotheses of the problem, fuzzy random variables and the capacity of each center are considered unlimited. According to the results of this research, the problem of locating the terminal locations is practically solved and the optimal location of these facilities is proposed in the real world. Also, the numerical optimization results show that the proposed method has a better performance than similar methods
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