Evaluating the Effect of Sustainable Marketing with Customer Equity Approach on Consumer behavior and Organizational Performance (Case Study: Detergent Manufacturer Companies of Iran)
َAbolfazl Dehghani firoozabadi
meybod University
Alireza Asadzadeh firoozabadi
Yazd university
vajiheh andalib ardakani
University of Yazd
Keywords: Sustainable Marketing, Customer Equity, Consumer behavior, Organizational Performance,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of sustainable marketing with the customer equity approach on consumer behavior and organizational performance. In this study, a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) was applied due to the study’s nature, and the need to identify variables. In the qualitative section, the categories and components of sustainable marketing with customer equity, consumer behavior, and organizational performance were identified via interviews conducted with experts and grounded theory. The results led to the recognition of six main classes and 13 categories. Grounded theory was followed by the validation of the categories identified using the Fuzzy Delphi technique and experts’ opinions. The categories identified in the qualitative section were entered into the quantitative section as the main variables. In the quantitative section, the effect of sustainable marketing with the customer equity approach on consumer behavior and organizational performance was evaluated using the PVAR model for nine detergent companies between 2010 and 2019 and the variables identified in the qualitative section. According to the results of the study, sustainable marketing with the customer equity approach had an insignificant effect on consumer behavior and organizational performance in the detergent companies of Iran. The results indicated that only customer equity and the environmental dimension of sustainable marketing effectively affected consumer behavior. On the other hand, only customer equity and economic dimension of sustainable development properly affected organizational performance.
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