Analysis and Implementation of a Step-Down DC-DC Converter with a New Control Method to Reduce Converter Losses
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Mohamad Reza Banaei
sajad gabeli sani
1 -
2 - Research Institute of Applied Power System Studies, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Step-down converter, two switch converter, control method, loss reduction,
Abstract :
A step-down converter based on buck and buck-boost converters with a loss reduction technique is proposed in this paper. Utilizing non-electrolytic capacitors in the implementation of the proposed converter has resulted in an increase in circuit life and a reduction in weight and volume. This paper compares the proposed converter to other buck converters. To increase the output efficiency of the converter in comparison to other structures, a new method based on determining the working duty-cycles has been employed to reduce the losses of the converter, resulting in an increase in the converter's output efficiency. In order to demonstrate the differences in efficiency between the proposed method and the conventional method, the efficiency of the converter has been calculated using real-world conditions and the output loss results have been compared. In addition, the proposed converter has a common ground with the input source and has a suitable reduction gain. Finally, this converter has been implemented as a PCB and tested with 100 watts of output power.
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