A Critical Analysis of the Fundamentals and Method of Contemporary Separatists in the Interpretation of the Qur'an
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
Mohammad عربصالحی
Farideh Pishvaei
1 -
2 - A student of the fourth level of comparative interpretation; Professor and researcher of Islamic Studies Research Center of Al-Zahra Society.
Abstract :
The intellectual trend of "separatism" (Tafkik) which is chronologically divided into predecessor and successor periods, while negating the philosophical intellect in comprehending the Qur'an, acknowledges merely an interpretation based upon the correct tradition. The contemporaries of this trend take a more balanced approach compared to their predecessors, and with a specific definition of intellect, they assume functions for it in interpretation. The present article, using the documentary method for data collection and a critical approach, evaluates the fundamentals and interpretive method of separatism with a focus on instances of their work, and seeks to prove the hypothesis that despite such merits as special attention to the divine understanding of the Qur'an or the use of the analytical intellect, contemporary separatists’ foundation and interpretive method suffer from drawbacks and disadvantages. The most significant critiques are to diminish the deep Qur'anic teachings to comparative and apparent signification, to regard personal perceptions as proof, and to pose obstacles to the extension of knowledge by some verses. While this trend accuses its opponents of imposing human findings on the interpretation of the Qur'an, it considers its own understanding of the Qur'an, with its separative presuppositions in interpretive method and foundation, to be the very meaning perceived by the innate intellect, without presenting a precise system of the epistemological approach and the requirements of its system of thought. This reduces the scientific weight of this trend and puts it in a lower position than other interpretive approaches.
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