Comparative study on prosperity in point of view of the Quran and philosophy: a study on some concepts and approaches
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
ahmadreza shahsanei
Mojtaba Jafari Eskavandi
Mohsenn Fahim
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Abstract :
In the process of conflict between the forces of good and evil in human beings, sometimes the low inclinations prevail over the higher tendencies and the intellect and nature of man, and man, with sin, submits to the bondage of the descending powers of the soul. Accordingly, the main issue of the present study is the question of happiness. And we are looking for the answer to this question, what is the solution of the Holy Quran to get rid of this humiliation and how to achieve happiness? Therefore, the purpose of this article is the semantics of happiness in the Holy Quran; But since the approach of philosophy to the question of happiness is also considered in the present research; Therefore, the next goal is the semantics and method of achieving happiness in the philosophical system by focusing on Mulla Sadra's views. The findings of the present study, which is based on descriptive and analytical methods, show that the two words "Fawz" and "Fallah" are semantic equivalents of the word happiness in the Holy Quran. Happiness is valuable in its own way from the perspective of the Qur'an and philosophy. In the field of methods of achieving happiness, the Holy Qur'an has introduced two categories of doctrinal and practical factors, while in the philosophical system, mainly the method of self-cultivation has been emphasized. This article is not comprehensive and each of them has examined one of the characteristics. It should be noted that this article is taken from the author's doctoral dissertation.
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