The application of innovation ecotone theory to modify the structure of Iran's innovation ecosystem
Subject Areas : Generalnasrin bigdelou 1 , hamid zare 2 , seied sepehr ghazinori 3
1 - PhD Student in Entrepreneurship, Farabi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Farabi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Science and Technology Policy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Innovation – Ecosystem- Ecotone-metaphor,
Abstract :
The concept of ecosystem, after entering the field of management has created many concepts such as” innovation ecosystem” which is one of the most widely used. These concepts have not reached a consensus in definition and function, and before the metaphors become clear, have been considered specific functions, goals and tasks without considering its relationship with other similar concepts. In this paper, the innovation ecosystem metaphor is specifically discussed, which is of great interest in Iran, and its existing structure is also related to the business, knowledge and entrepreneurship ecosystems. Since in fact, the expectations of the policymakers have not been met, it is necessary to study its relationship with the rest of the ecosystems and change the approach in the definition and dimension of the structure and adopted policies. Accordingly, in this paper, after studying the relationships between the innovation, knowledge and business ecosystems, the ecotone metaphor, which is one of the main attachments of the ecosystem in its origin - biological sciences - has been neglected in non-biological sciences, is proposed for innovation. Innovation is the bridge between knowledge and business, and innovation ecotone is the border between the two ecosystems of business and knowledge. Based on this, principles have been proposed for policy makers to improve innovation in Iran
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