The international responsibility of states for terrorism and its financing
Subject Areas : PoliticsBaqer Shamloo 1 , ahmad mohammadi 2
1 - Associate professor
2 -
Keywords: Terrorist FinancingTerrorismCriminal LiabilityCivil LiabilityGlobal Jurisdiction (competence),
Abstract :
In the sphere of international law, governments have an obligation to prevent and combat terrorism related crimes and not to support or sponsor these crimes. A government that directly or indirectly commits, sponsors or indulges in terrorism related crimes will be held liable by internal law. Any support for terrorism, whether directly or indirect, according to international conventions is prohibited. Apportioning/holding the government responsible internationally according to civil and criminal acts for which the terrorism act was committed can be an appropriate response to this state sponsored terrorism. This article analysis the international responsibility of governments for acts of terrorism and its financing. The present article has been written by descriptive-analytical method and based on written documents and sources and its information has been sourced through journals, books and articles available in the library through research. The present study concludes that with the spread of government sponsored terrorism and other international crimes enormous death rates and destruction of property, environment and livelihoods is witnessed. These losses left by them, including targeting the vital interests of governments harms the threat of international peace and security. Most of the countries in the world understand the need to implement and apply the theory of international criminal justice. The governments have come to believe that the positive results of such an approach and realised that the benefits far outweigh the possible negative consequences to combat international crime. And this is possible only by accepting and implementing strategies to protect and insulate from such criminal acts. The responsibility of the governments and individuals in accepting criminal liability should be objective. And hold groups and individuals who commit such crimes responsible.
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