Reading the "narrative" of Architectural Works; A Solution to Improve the Design Ability of Architecture Students
Subject Areas :
Hanieh Basiri
zoheir mottaki
1 - PhD student in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran
Keywords: Narrative, Active Learning, Architectural Design.,
Abstract :
Narrative has existed in all known human civilizations as a tradition and has always been considered as a structure that transmits human knowledge and ideas and the achievement of their lived experiences. Accordingly, theorists have considered human life as a narrative life and even scientific theories as constantly modifiable narratives that provide an explanation of the world and try to have the power to predict and control the world. Therefore nowadays, the use of narration method in active education has received a lot of attention. According to the role of narration in understanding the world and human experience, various articles point out that the use of narration in educational methods can increase the transfer of learning. Also by creating awareness, enthusiasm and participation, increase curiosity and creativity and better understanding of the subject under study. Therefore, this article, which is considered applied research goal, with a qualitative research strategy and with reference to documentary and library studies and with an interpretive approach, tries to explain the concept of narrative and constructive learning environments. Explains how to read the architectural narrative of space of architectural works in design studios and how it affects students' design ability. It shows that reading the narrative of these works can appear at different levels of abstraction from description to interpretation, and by its Situatedness, Event sequenting and different world makings, provide multiple representations of reality. That can enhance students' design ability by strengthening mental imagery, visualizing the experience of substitution, and developing creative solutions.
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