Rational reasoning and presuppositions of the Infallibles (AS) through guidance
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyMohammad Javad Gharehkhani 1 , Esmaeil Darabkolohi 2 , mohamad esmaeil said hashemi 3
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Keywords: intellect, reason, reasoning, perfect man, infallible. ,
Abstract :
There is no doubt that the Imams (AS) was perfect human beings and they were responsible for guiding other human beings. The guidance of human beings by the infallibles (AS) requires appropriate tools such as the use of logical arguments and reasoning. In addition to having human ability and observing the normal prerequisites in communication, the Infallibles (AS) has made arguments. It is obtained from the statements of the Infallibles (AS) in the context of human guidance that they have used reasoning; the existing arguments by the Infallibles (AS) indicate the acceptance of the prerequisites of the argument. There is no doubt that the Imams (AS) was perfect human beings and they were responsible for guiding other human beings. The evolved movement in man, which has given him intellect and the power of evidence by the Creator, as well as the inadequacy of man's special knowledge in the realization of this movement, has documented and exploited the infallibles according to the laws of logic. In addition to introducing human epistemological sources (sense and intellect) in this study, human possession of the power of reason and thought and also insufficient knowledge of this power has been examined due to limitations and the occurrence of mistakes in it. Accordingly, the Infallible Prophet (AS) has accepted the authority of human thought and does not consider it complete and flawless, and on the other hand, he does not consider it completely wrong. Therefore, the Infallible Prophet (AS) has used rational reasoning to guide and induce his message to human beings. Finally, the realization of human guidance and perfection is not possible without the help of divine guides, Infallible (AS) according to this context, has used argument and reasoning in pursuing his guiding goals in dealing with human beings according to the intellect.
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نهج البلاغه
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