Energy Management of Micro-Grids and Their Harmonic Compensation Through Shunt Active Filter Based on Multi-Agent Systems
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Mohammad-Reza Salehi Rad
Mohammad Mollaie Emamzadeh
1 - Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
2 - Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Keywords: Current harmonic compensation, multi-agent system (MAS), shunt active power filter (SAPF), SC-RC-LCL passive filter, energy management,
Abstract :
In this paper, a new energy management strategy is presented by using shunt active power filter (SAPF) in a multi-agent structure. This strategy is applied to a micro-grid connected to the grid and includes the problem of harmonic compensation. By examining the advantages and disadvantages of shunt active power filters and passive filters, as well as their efficiency in the multi-agent structure for power micro-grids, the reason for using shunt active power filters in the proposed method has been determined. Also, the performance of these filters for compensating current harmonics has been compared by examining the FFT results. In the used micro-grid, wind turbine generator and solar cell generator are used as renewable energy sources (RES) and two fuel cells are used to compensate for sudden and unplanned changes in the production power of these two generators. The energy management unit manages the active and inactive state of the two fuel cells according to the production power and consumption power of the micro-grid in such a way that the power exchanged between the micro-grid and the main grid is limited within an acceptable range. The simulation results show that the proposed method using local continuous controllers (in each agent) and central discrete controller (energy management system) has been able to perform well and while providing the required power of the micro-grid, at the same time, it performs the current harmonics compensation issue correctly.
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