Pathology of Social and Cultural Affairs in Tehran Urban Management with Emphasis on Municipal law
Subject Areas : Research on Iranian social issues
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Mohaghegh_ Ardebeili University.
Keywords: Pathology, Urban Management, Social and Cultural Affairs, Legal Compliance, Delphi Method ,
Abstract :
In recent years, the social and cultural field of urbanmanagement in Municipality Tehran has always faced the challenge of critics the adaptation of activities, description of the duties due to deviation from its basics. Accordingly, in the present study, the pathology of social activities of Tehran Municipality has been studied. In this study, in accordance with the theoretical framework of the subject, three main categories include conceptual adaptation; legal compliance and organizational compliance were considered for pathological measures. The research method was such that the list of social and cultural activities of the municipal organization in the form of a Delphi questionnaire was given to 10 experts and they were asked to evaluate each activity in three separate scales. According to the results, the most important challenge in the field of social and cultural activities of Tehran Municipality in the first place is the entry of this organization into some fields and activities that are outside its inherent and legal duties. In the second place, there is parallel work and overlap of some of these activities with other organizations, and finally, in the third level, the dominance of the theatrical approach is in some activities of Tehran Municipality. Accordingly, the application of the present study relies on a comprehensive review of activities in terms of the combination of three indicators. This revision shouldperform on the base of final score calculated for each activity and as a result, the activities of each area were classified into three categories: "continuity", "adjustment" and "change".
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