The Reason for the Lack of Aristotelian Political Philosophy Over the Orbit of Thought in the Islamic World, the Middle Ages
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
Mohammad Osmani
eslami eslami
1 - PH.D Student of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Islamic Civilization, Planetism, Aristotelianism, Political Philosophy and Governance. ,
Abstract :
Islamic civilization in the second century AH was accompanied by the transfer of various sciences from Greece to Iranian civilization and from there to the Islamic world. In the process of the construction of objective structures, such as the government, it took its mental support from Greece and Plato and Aristotelian philosophy. Along the way, because of the characteristics of Arab culture and its religious elements, as well as the experience of Iranshahr that was being transmitted to the Islamic world, Plato's philosophy and apostasy were taken into account on the metaphysical basis, while Aristotelian philosophy, which is close to realism, became a state of thought. That is to say, the difficulties of the political are not thought of in the orbit of Aristotelian philosophy, but from the point of view of Platonic political philosophy. From this perspective, the question is why was the political philosophy in the process ignored? How would the objective structures of Islamic civilization be organized if Aristotelian political philosophy? The hypothesis in this article is that in Islamic civilization, there were subjective structures and structures that marginalized Aristotelian political philosophy. Intellectual structures such as mental duality, along with the domination of religious ideas, led to the manifestation of structures influenced by this notion in the political arena. Religious thought and mythical ideas were a fundamental factor in the tendency to think about the political and government structure. Of course, the experience of governing in the Iranian life of the Sassanid era, where neo-lauretism was the intellectual support of solving political difficulties, was also favored by Muslims as a model for thinking of social hardships. But on the contrary, Aristotelian philosophy, based on social realities and rational approach, was marginalized in the process. To this end, we analyze the subject with the Wittgenstein Interpretative Approach.
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