Examining the opposition of disbelief and faith and truth and falsehood and their consequences based on allegorical similes of Quranic verses
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyAbdolrahim Zareian Jahromi 1 , Safdar Shaker 2 , Ibrahim Zareifar 3
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Abstract :
One of the important tools that can be used to convey concepts and content more accurately and quickly to people's minds is the use of proverbs, similes, allegories and so on. The Holy Quran has used tools such as using examples and allegorical similes in order to express guiding messages in a rhetorical and conceptual format. There are about 500 verses in the Holy Quran that have similes, allegories, allusions, metaphors and allegorical similes. This article intends to study and analyze the allegorical similes of the Holy Quran in the category of hypocrites and hypocrisy by adopting a descriptive-analytical method, after explaining the concept of allegorical simile and its Quranic function. What is certain is that from the beginning of the creation of Adam (pbuh) there has been a struggle between right and wrong to prove monotheism, vicariousness and denial of polytheism and apostasy, and there will be resurrection because one of the basic principles of the right is to fight against infidelity, polytheism and falsehood, and many verses in the Qur'an have been revealed in this regard. For this purpose, God has used an allegorical analogy in the Qur'an to associate this issue with human minds as much as possible. We have also included verses in this regard in this chapter of this treatise. Also, in the Qur'an, many verses have been mentioned about the condemnation of the disbelievers and the polytheists and what they worship, and he has given allegories, and even a complete surah called Al-Kafirun surah has been revealed and the Qur'an has given many allegories and similes for them. Although it has been expressed in discussions with various allegories, we have given an example of it here and followed by commentaries by commentators.
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