Explaining the Multilevel Model of Consequences of Organizational Coaching
Subject Areas :Shadi Jaldani 1 , Faraj Allah Rahimi 2 , Reza Salehi 3
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Keywords: Organizational Cynicism Employee Performance Organizational Coaching Mahshahr Special Economic Zone,
Abstract :
Aim: This study investigates the impact of organizational coaching on cynicism and job performance with a multilevel approach. Methods: The research method is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this study included all employees of petrochemical companies in Mahshahr Special Economic Zone. Through a sample size formula in limited societies, 245 people were randomly selected from 18 companies and questionnaires were distributed among these employees. Smart PLS software and HLM software were used for data analysis. At the individual level, the results showed that cynicism had a significant negative effect on job performance. Results: The results of multilevel analysis showed that coaching at the organizational level had a significant and negative effect on organizational cynicism at the individual level and a positive and significant effect on job performance. In this study, the moderating role of Multilevel coaching on the relationship between cynicism and job performance was confirmed. Conclusion: It seems that organizational coaching and strengthening it in the organization reduces organizational pessimism and improves employee job performance.
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